Page 71 of Soaring Hearts


“Ithink we’ll catch up with you next week.”

“Areyou sure you’re all right?”

“Actually,Ifell.I’mluckyIdidn’t break a leg.Ishould get some rest.”

“Isee.Sorryto hear that.Well, then.Theothers are waiting to get started.Seeyou next time?”

“Sure,” they said in unison.

WhenParkerleft,Gaylesaid, “Ican drive you to the local clinic, have your leg looked at.”

“MaybeIexaggerated a bit.I’mfine,” he said, squeezingGayle’shand. “Ifit’s okay with you,I’drather make new plans, alone.Withyou.”

Gaylegrinned. “Stilla sly devil,” she said, and off they went.

* * *

Gaylecouldn’t stop staring.Louhad aged.Hishair was thinner and grayer.Hewore glasses and hearing aids.Buthe was as handsome as she remembered.

Shementally pinched herself for the tenth time sinceLouhad spoken her name out in the woods.Itwould be a moment she would remember as long as she lived.

AfterleavingCucumberGulch,Gayledrove them into town.Theywere sitting in the rock garden near the river.Twohummingbirds hovered at the feeder nearby.

Otherthan getting in and out of her car,Louhad not let go of her hand since they’d met.

“You’vedone well for yourself,Lougee.”

“Alot of luck, being in the right place at the right time.”

“Isthis a newLou?Youwere never so humble.”

Helaughed hard at that.

“YouknowI’mright.Youwere always a go-getter, thinking you could accomplish anything you put your mind to.”

“Inlarge part because my parents told meIcould andIwas foolish enough to believe them.Butlife has a way of turning a proud man humble.”

“Notruer words.”

Lousaid, “Seemsyou’ve also found success.FromJeffersonHighto an important job inManhattan.”

Gayledidn’t hide her surprise. “You’vebeen keeping tabs?”

Louplayed with her fingers. “Eversince my divorce.”Hepaused, removing his hand. “Youseem happily married.”

Shelooked at him funny. “Iwashappily married.”

Loulooked at her quizzically. “Ididn’t know you got divorced.”


Lou'sface paled.

Gaylefretted. “Areyou okay?Isit your fall?”

Heshook his head. “I’ma fool.”