Page 70 of Soaring Hearts

Wyattshook his head in annoyance then took a sip of his wine.Hishandsome features were turning somber once more. “Maybeif we can figure out who it is we can appeal to his or her sense of community.”

Itwas sweet how naïve he was. “Thisis purely business,”Lilysaid. “Whoeverit is, is in it for the money.Ican assure you of that.”


Lilyheld back on the defensive reply.Hewas right. “Maybeso but it’s based on history.”Shelifted her glass, draining it.

“Doyou think your boss knows who the owner is?”

“Probablybut why would she divulge it?”

Wyattlooked her in the eye. “Idon’t know but isn’t it worth a try?”

Shestared back. “NotifIget fired over it.”

Whenhe didn’t reply,Lilyfrowned.Didit even matter to him if she was left with no way to pay herNewYorkCityrent?

“Iknew discussing this topic would be a mistake.”Shestood. “Thanksfor dinner.”

Wyattjumped to his feet. “Whereare you going?”

Hisconfrontational attitude vanished, replaced by something akin to distraught.Lilyfelt like she was on a rollercoaster, never knowing when the next drop was approaching.

“Ihave work to do,” she said.

Bernieseemed to sense something was awry and met her at the door, licking her hand.Sheruffled his ears. “Seeyou around some time, boy.”

“Lily, come on.Youdon’t have a car.Ican drive you back.Don’tgo.”

Butthat’s exactly what she did.


“Sir, are you okay?”

Aman of about forty, wearing a safari hat and a concerned look on his face, stood in the path.

LouandGaylewere still holding onto each other as if the blissful dream would disappear if they let go.


Gaylestepped back, tears streaming down her face as she laughed. “Everythingis the best it’s ever been.”

Hergaze was onLouwho kept hold of her hand.Hedidn’t want to let go.Notnow, not ever.

Theman looked between them, seemingly aware something unusual had transpired a moment before he arrived. “I’mglad to hear that.Iheard a bear bell and someone crying.”

“Sorryabout that.Falsealarm,”Lousaid.

“I’mParker.CanIassume the two of you signed up for this morning’s hike?”

Gaylesaid, “Idid.”

Louraised an amused brow. “Metoo.”

Theyboth laughed, giddily.Theman looked on in confusion. “Okaaay. . . so if you’ll follow me, the others are waiting at the trailhead.”Heturned away.

Loulooked toGaylewhose expression showed what he’d hoped. “Parker?”