Page 30 of Soaring Hearts

Regrouping,Lilypushed the cart down the aisle, placing a container of blueberries in her cart, then went to the bananas,Wyattkeeping pace.

Shesaid, “Whata surprise to bump into you here.”

“Thanksto the weather,Ihave a break in the action andI’mstarved.It'sbeen quite the morning.”

Lilywanted to hear more.Buta shot of guilt hit her.Shewas standing in the market, essentially flirting.Regardlessof whatPeterwas up to, they were still in a relationship.Andbesides,Wyatthad no clue why she had really come toBreckenridge.

Obliviousto her inner conflict,Wyatttook hold of the cart and navigated to the bread aisle, placing a loaf of rye in the cart. “Areyou planning to go to theWildflowerFestivalItold you about?Youcould make a real splash among the locals.”

“Dadjokes, really?”

Helifted a finger, asking her to wait, then rushed away, returning with jars of creamy peanut butter and raspberry jelly, placing the items into her cart.

Lilywatched him with amusement. “Actually,Ihaven't given the festival much thought.”

Wyattseemed to consider something. “Howabout we go together?Asfriends.Icould show you around, introduce you to some of the townsfolk.”


“Imean,Ineed to return your clothes anyway, right?I’llbring them along.Cleanand folded.”Wyattsaid, waiting for her reply.

Sheheld back a laugh.Sheshouldbe focused on her business, her commitment back home. “Sure, why not?” she heard herself say.


Hisenthusiasm sent a jolt of joy through her.

Asthey finished shopping, the pounding on the building’s roof made it clear the rain had not yet let up.Atthe checkout counter,Wyattpurchased a reusable plastic bag, and eyeingLily’shair, offered it to her.Theteenage attendant was watching curiously, loudly chewing the wad of gum in her mouth.

Bynow, any sense of vanity had vanished.Lilywas a mess and she would own it.

Acceptingthe bag, she placed it over her head like a makeshift rain bonnet. “Thetrue meaning of bag lady,” she proclaimed.

Thecheckout girl rolled her eyes.Wyattburst into laughter.

Lilygiggled as they exited the supermarket, her rain-bag hat atop her head andWyattbeside her.

Shewas having a blast.Butshe needed to hurry back to the hotel and change.Shehad a private meeting scheduled in an hour.WithMayorBillings.


Wyattshowed up back at the building site with a spring in his step.BumpingintoLilyhad been the highlight of his day.Evenbetter than learning whoLouGalindowas.

Hisonly regret was throwing in the “as friends” comment when suggesting taking her to theWildflowerFestival.

Whohad he been kidding when he said that?

ThoughtsofLilyhad taken permanent residence in his brain.Hecouldn’t get her out of his mind.Itwas becoming a futile activity to think of her as only a friend.

Theproblem was she had a long-term boyfriend.Whichwas whyWyattpainted his invitation in platonic terms.

Therain had finally stopped.Hegrabbed a ladder from the garage and leaned it against the side of the house, then climbed up, removing a section of the tarp he had set there the night before.Thankfully, the roof appeared dry as a bone.

ItbroughtLily’srain ‘hat’ to mind.Howmany women could walk around, wearing his sweatshirt and a bag on her head and look sexy as all hell?

“Getover it,” he muttered to himself, lowering himself back down.

“Getover what?”