Page 31 of Soaring Hearts

Wyattwas startled to findJoeystanding there, an amused look on his face. “Talkingto yourself these days?”

“Whichrock did you crawl out from under?” he asked his brother, good-naturedly. “Aren’tyou supposed to be withPammyat her checkup?”

“Wegot out of the doctor’s office earlier than expected.Figuredthe rain slowed things down this morning.Thoughtyou could use a hand.”

Despitethe tight schedule,Wyatthad given the crew the weekend off to spend with their families.Hehad done so before knowing who actually owned the property.Now, he suspectedLouwould be fine with that decision.

“Thanks.Thekitchen guys are coming onTuesday.Maybeyou can help clear the space for them to work.”

“Onit,”Joeysaid, following his brother into the house and getting right to work.

Wyattfound a nail gun and began installing baseboards in the dining room.

Twohours later,Joeywalked past him, sweat beading on his forehead, a bundle of debris in his gloved hands.

Wyatttook a break from the nail gun. “Anybaby updates?”

“Thedoctor saysBrodieis looking healthy.Onlya few weeks to go.”

Wyattstill couldn’t get his head around the fact that his little brother was going to be a dad.Itwas especially awesome since they’d been trying for years without success.Brodiewas going to be the most doted onSomerskid ever.

“Ithink we earned a break,”Wyattsaid. “Lookslike you could benefit from an ice cold brewskie.”

Joeyset the bundle down outside the front door, turning back toWyatt. “Secondonly to the doc’s good report, those are the best wordsI’veheard all day.”

* * *

“MayorBillingswill bewith you shortly,” the receptionist said, apologetically.Lilyhad been waiting for nearly forty-five minutes.Howbusy could the mayor of a tiny city actually be?

Lilymade a conscious effort to still her tapping foot, taking in the humble surroundings.Themayor’s office was located in a two-story building onRidgeAvenue.Ifyou didn’t know it was there, you’d never notice it.Framedpanoramic photos depictingBreckenridgein all four seasons lined the wood-paneled walls, many of them askew.Sheresisted the urge to get up and straighten them.

Lilyhad gone from feeling carefree while on the shopping spree withWyattto a bundle of nerves.Herphone buzzed for the fourth time in the last half hour.Chelseawanted info.



Threeminutes later, it buzzed again.Shedidn’t bother looking at the screen.Shewould giveChelseaan update once her meeting was over.Thankfully, she’d scored an appointment with the mayor before the holiday weekend.Otherwise,Chelseawould be driving her mad.

Inher mind,Lilyreviewed the main points she wanted to make with the mayor, wondering why she was so on edge.Thiswasn’t a meeting with the mayor ofNewYorkCity.Billingswas a lifelong resident ofBreckenridge, a retired postal worker, not theCEOof a multi-billion dollar corporation.

Shewould handle things just fine.


* * *

Lilygot behind the wheel,still mulling over the half-hour talk withMayorBillings.Itwent far better than expected.Atleast as far asChelseawould be concerned.

Herphone buzzed.Sheesh. “Iwas just about to call you,” she said into the phone.Hertone came out irritated.

“Okaaay. . .”

Lilywas surprised to hearPeter’svoice instead ofChelsea’s. “Oh.Hey,Peter.Ididn’t realize it was you.”

“Whowere you expecting?Itried texting you earlier but didn't hear back.”

ToLily’sear,Petersounded jealous.Thethought made her annoyed.Thepot calling the kettle black.