Page 15 of Soaring Hearts

Shewas not only beautiful but smart as a whip with a sense of humor to boot.Fora brief moment, standing at her table,KennyRogerscrooning in the background, he nearly forgot how to speak.Thenautopilot took over with some dribble.Atleast until he found his mojo.

Butmeeting the newestBreckenridgeresident wasn’t the only surprise of the evening.

Theold man,LouGalindo.Hecame across as an average dude.Clearly, looks were deceiving.Mr.Galindowas the owner of the houseWyattwas building.Thehouse was worth upwards of nine million.Theyhad been in touch solely by email, the video chats held only with his daughter.Tonightwas the first time they met eyeball to eyeball.

ThewayLouspoke, it was evident he didn’t want the word to get out, at least not to his gorgeous dinner companion.Wyattneeded to respect that and rather than say something to reveal the connection between them, he took off.Beforeever getting the woman’s name.


Lilysat cross-legged on her bed, the laptop perched in front of her.Shewas wearing her coziest pjs, her hair still wrapped in a towel.

Theroom’s shower was heavenly.She’dspent the luxuriating time in there reviewing the conversation withWyattatTheRoadhouse.

Wordfor word.

Shecouldn’t really explain it but the guy had gotten under her skin.Shementally replayed the banter, the touch of his calloused hand when he shook hers.Itwas like an electric shock coursing through her, something she tried hard to ignore.Hewas a stranger, after all.

Shewas practically engaged toPeter, after all.

Thankfully, she’d had the good sense not to offer her name.Itwas a weak way to buy time.He’dcertainly hear about her soon enough.Butshe’d enjoyed the repartee and . . . those eyes?—


Needinga distraction,Lilynavigated toFaceTime.Secondslater, her sisterJilly’sface filled the screen.Thepixelated image couldn’t hide the concern inJilly’seyes, andLilyknew exactly what was coming.

“Areyou happy with your decision to go out there,Lil?”Jilly’svoice crackled through the speakers.

Lilysighed, her gaze drifting to the window that framed the majesticRockyMountainsoutside. “Ithink so.”Then, “Idon’t know.Breckenridgeis beautiful and the people out here are really friendly but the job is turning out to be more complicated thanIthought.”

Jilly’sbrow furrowed. “Butyou love your work, right?”

Lilynodded, her fingers absently playing with a strand of hair. “Ido, and that’s the hardest part.I’vepoured my heart into this job.”

“Andmade some serious sacrifices.”

Lilyturned her attention to the window.Beinghere didn’t feel like much of a sacrifice.Thevillage was really growing on her.Thequaint shops, the friendly faces, and the sense of community.

“Oh,Idon’t know.Actually, it’s pretty nice here.AndI’vemet some interesting people.”

Jillymust have seen something in her sister’s eyes. “Dotell.”

“Thisold guy namedLou, he’s hysterical.Dresseslike a cowboy and?—”

“Tellme about the guy,Lil.”

Lilypaused.Therewas no point in fibbing.Jillyknew her better than anyone on the planet.Shesighed and leaned in, her voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. “Imet this guy.Andhe’s . . . well, he’s handsome, sort of a flirt . . . a chauvinistic flirt?—”

“Soundsgreat,”Jillysaid, sarcasm oozing from her words.

Lilyhad long ago become accustomed to her sister’s interruptions.Shejust went with it, knowing ifJillywanted the goods she’d eventually letLilyfinish. “Wejust clicked, you know?”

Jillypursed her lips. “Youalready knowI’mnot a fan, but you do have a boyfriend.Ordon’t you?”

“OfcourseIdo!Whywould you say such a thing?”

“Thelady doth protest too much, methinks.”

Lilyblushed, but her expression turned pensive. “Wouldn’tmatter anyway.TheguyImet is leading the minions against the very land developmentI’mworking on.”