
She smiled as she read his note and looked up at the wall of cubbies full of baskets where they stored their clothing – only to see a pair of satin panties dangling from the side almost as if he was saying ‘hello.’

Laughing, she walked over to put them away and saw the small handful of daffodils on the coffee table where they had played Monopoly and a box. Distractedly, she slid the basket back into place wondering just how long he had been awake this morning to have snuck out and put these flowers here. Touching the delicate yellow ruffles, tracing them, she smiled completely enchanted that he would do something so romantic.

“He’d would probably play it off and make some snarky comment, too,” she whispered aloud, picking up the paper box that felt extremely light. Sliding off the lid, she hesitated as she saw his scrawled handwriting just inside and melted.

We’ll get a diamond – I promise.

There, inside, on the cotton batting was a tiny, golden ring. Picking it up, she saw the circlet was open on one side, allowing her to adjust it if needed and on the front was a daffodil beside a tiny little yellow stone. The entire thing was delicate, lovely, and so darn sweet.

Her vision blurred as she slipped it onto her ring finger, and it slid into place, looking immediately over her shoulder out the window for him just in time to see him and Max hug on the porch of the cabin in the distance.

Yup. She was marrying that man – today.

She called her sister briefly, rushing to get some clothes together and heading to the bathroom to shower. Gulping down her coffee, showering, blow drying her hair. She was almost ready when the front door of the cabin opened.


“I’m back here,” she called out nervously.

“Stay put. I’m getting my uniform and heading to the cabin. When you are ready, just head up, and we’ll leave.”

“Okay. Give me ten minutes.”

“Take your time.”

“Jake?” she called out nervously and heard his footsteps nearby.

“Yeah?” he asked – and there was a tremor in his voice. “If you’re scared or nervous, we don’t have to do this.”

She stuck out her hand from around the corner and felt him lace his fingers with hers. Just this second, this moment of peace for the two of them, reaching for each other was everything. He was her rock… A little craggy, sometimes sharp, but unwavering – and she loved it.

“I just wanted to tell you, before we have everyone around us, that I am so glad to have met you,” she said softly, not holding back. “I know everyone will be listening, and it feels weird to just blurt out your innermost feelings publicly because I’ve always been a very private person.”

“Same here,” he said huskily. “I love your hand, just how it fits in mine.”

“As your wife, I will always be there and have your back. I want to celebrate your victories and hold you during our low moments.”

“As your husband, I want to be the one there for you when you struggle, lift any burdens you have, and be the one you always know you can turn to.”

“I love you,” she whispered tenderly. “I feel so lucky to have met you.”

“Same here,” he admitted. “I would go through it all again just to share our private moments together. You complete me in a way I only dreamed of, and I can’t imagine a world without you - but I should probably go get changed.”

“Thank you for taking a minute for me.”

“Baby, you get all my minutes from here on out. I promise.”

She felt him raise her hand with his slightly – as he kissed her fingers.

“See you soon.”

“I’ll be up in a few.”

She heard him moving around the cabin and then the door once more, sighing happily. Yes, she was blissfully lucky in love, and the woman smiling back at her in the mirror glowed with joy.

* * *