An hour later, Lena was standing in front of the magistrate holding Jake’s hands. He looked so formal, so stuffy in his dress uniform, yet so incredibly handsome. There was a look of disinterest, a false bravado on his calm expression as he stood there… yet he kept swallowing, and his eyes were bright with emotion.

Anyone else looking might not have noticed, but she certainly did.

Max Collins, whom she had briefly met or seen, was there behind him, with the same stony expression on his face, but there was a brittle edge to him that seemed to lie just beneath him.

Where she could read Jake’s expression - Max looked like one small thing would set him off and she felt for Daphne. He was standing there, using braces on his arms to help hold him up with his pants leg pinned – and Daphne was at his back, looking almost as miserable.

Gideon and Christina were sitting on a pew next to Houghton and Jill. One couple was holding hands, and one wasn’t. Yes, they each had their problems, their moments, but they all seemed to fade away as she looked at Jake.

“Do you, Jake Elam Ortega take Lena Elizabeth Bow to have and to hold as your esteemed wife, through the good and the bad, so long as you both shall live?”

“I d-do,” Jake said simply, but his voice cracked, and she smiled at him.

“And do you, Lena Elizabeth Bow, take this man, Jake, to have and to hold as your husband, through the good and the bad, so long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” she began proudly, feeling overwhelmed with joy as his eyes melted with emotion. “I’ve waited long enough for him.”

“Many couples wish to share their thoughts, their promises or vows with each other and…”

“He knows how I feel,” she whispered and saw his slow nod.

“She knows how I feel,” he repeated, not looking away.

“Oh,” the magistrate began, obviously surprised and hesitant. “Um, well, I see. I wasn’t expecting that. Ah, well, okay then. By the State of Wyoming and the Grace of God, I pronounce you both husband and wife. You may kiss your bride, sir. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Ortega.”

Jake started forward and gave her a gentle kiss before everyone, only further proving that he valued her, treasured her, and respected her. He could have been his usual self by making all sort of flirty comments or given her a kiss hot enough to curl her toes, but no.

This was just a gentle, innocent peck before murmuring a quick ‘love you’ against her lips, causing her to smile.

It was everything.

As they all loaded up in the big fifteen-passenger van, the conversations flew like wildfire around them as Jake silently held her hand, propping it on his leg like he’d done it his entire life. Their fingers were entwined, just like their lives, and she couldn’t be happier.

“Now, I’m surprised… how come they got to wait and we didn’t?”

“Do you really want an answer to that?”

“Actually, we had the option to wait…”


“Look, Stumpy, just be grateful that…”

“Watch it, Ranger,” Max snarled. “You are treading on thin ice.”

“Max,” Daphne said laying a hand on his shoulder.

“No,” he snapped, whirling on her… and then hesitated. “I’m sorry.”

“We’ll talk later.”


“Don’t start,” Christina said glibly. “You are no prize right now either with that bum leg and dent in your head.”

“I don’t have a dent in my head.”

“You will in two seconds if you ever call Max ‘Stumpy’again, Gideon.”