“Yes, please.”

He poured two cups, added a dollop of heavy cream to both just like she preferred it, and as she started down the ladder. He snapped loudly at her, barking out a single word.


Lena froze instantly, wide-eyed and looking at him.

“Is the rung broken?”

“We’re having coffee in bed and cuddling,” Jake grumbled. “Apparently, I’m a masochist and believe in self-inflicted torture because cuddling with my sweet Lumberjack, kissing her senseless, and fantasizing about her all day long while having hot coffee in bed sounds just amazing.”

“I knew I’d win you over,” she smiled, moving back up into the loft.

“Don’t push my limits, woman.”

“Nope,” she smiled as he handed her a cup and then another one. Just as he was moving up the ladder, she hesitated.


“I don’t suppose you could grab a package of Poptarts, too?”

“We’re gonna eat in bed.”

“My tummy is rumbly.”

“Oh well, mercy-me. We can’t have that,” he quipped – and smiled at her. “I’ll get your Poptarts, hon.”

“I’ll fluff your pillow,” she promised, waving her fingers at him impishly as he laughed and began his descent again.

“You’re a good man, Jake Ortega,” he heard her call out playfully and shook his head, rolling his eyes, and realizing that he was completely wrapped around her little finger and would do anything she said.

“Which is why we’re getting married.”

* * *

It was actually three days before they could get the van out.

The snow had drifted on the side of the main cabin where the van was parked, nearly burying it. The snowplows were clearing the main road by pushing everything to the right onto the embankment and succeeded in blocking the long driveway.

Which, on day two, had Jake panicked and asking for help, requiring hours of hours of shoveling by him, Houghton, and Gideon.



Waking up this morning, she smelled the coffee from below… and smiled. Jake had already turned on her beloved fairy lights, creating a glow above her that twinkled like stars. This was her world, her universe, and she was so happy to be sharing it with him… starting today.

“Jake?” she asked and heard silence.

Climbing down the ladder, she saw a note on the counter beside a coffee cup and a carafe full of coffee.


I hope you slept well, darling, and take your time getting ready. I’m heading over to Max’s cabin because I need to clear the air and want him at our wedding as my best man. The guilt is killing me. I need my mind and heart at ease.

The coffee is ready. I put your towel on the rack in the bathroom and touched your panties just to irritate you. Ha ha ha! I love you – and cannot wait to be your husband.

Yours always,