“Okay, I’ll see you soon,” I said, taking Kaz by surprise and hugging her. She’s always been there for us, and I never want her to forget how much she means to us. Once I was ready, I took the back staircase that led to the stretch of rooms where I knewEllen was getting ready. I tapped a few times on the door and whispered through the door.

“Baby, can you hear me?”

“Edric? What are you doing here? It’s bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony.”

“No worries, babe; I promise my eyes are closed. I just had to hear your voice and tell you something,”

“Okay, what is it?” she asked back through the closed door. I swear I could feel her.

“I just wanted to say how much I love you and how honored I am to become your husband. I promise I will love you forever until I take my last breath. We are going to have an incredible life together. I’ll see you down on the beach.”

“Hey, Edric,” she called out.


“Thank you for making all my dreams come true.”

I couldn’t stop smiling as I made my way down the stairs, only to be greeted by Bourne, Patch, and the rest of my team, who made the trip. Bourne was holding out a glass of amber liquid for me, and before we made our way down, we clinked the glasses and downed our shots.

“You ready, asshole? Because it’s not too late for me to sweep in and take your place,” Patch said as he slapped my back and handed me another shot.

I might have growled as I downed it and said, “Yeah, keep dreaming. Now let’s go before you get me drunk, and I miss my wedding.”

“Hey, that was my plan all along,” he laughed.

We took our places, and then the music began to play. From the first time I heard the song, I knew it was perfect for Ellen. I listened to the lyrics to “One Life” by Ed Sheeran as I watched Nai and then Sabina make their way down the rose-covered aisle. You would never know that Sabina gave birth twenty-fourhours ago to her son. She looked fantastic and was gracefully taking her steps with Bourne watching her closely, ensuring she was okay. Anna was holding their son, who they hadn’t officially named yet. Bourne said he wanted us to have our moment since his boy had already crashed the rehearsal dinner.

Ellen never looked more beautiful than she did today. She was dressed in a tight-fitting mermaid-style gown with an open back. Her veil cascaded down her flawless back, and it took everything in me not to skip this part and go right to the honeymoon where I could peel the sexy as fuck dress off her with my teeth. Bourne patted my shoulder and flashed me a wicked grin. The bastard knew how I was feeling. I focused on my woman, who had arrived and was right before me.

Kyle lifted her veil and placed a kiss on each of her cheeks. “I love you, best friend, always and forever,” she sniffed and told him the same before taking my hand and stepping forward.

“God, you take my breath away,” I whispered as I lifted her hand to my lips to kiss. I felt Ellen tremble beneath my warm lips, and she mouthed the words “I love you” as we listened to the minister begin the ceremony. We had already said our private vows to one another long before today. It was our shared secret to always keep between us. After he recited the words, I pledged my love for Ellen, and she did the same. Then, before we were officially pronounced husband and wife, we each lit a candle. My candle was for my aunt, and Ellen’s was for her parents. We lit the unity candle to seal our commitment to each other forever.

The minister said a few parting words and concluded, “Today, you joined hands as two parts to one heart, and after reciting your promises to each other, you are now one. May the blessing of light always shine upon you.” I pulled my beautiful wife into my arms and released a breath before I took her mouth in a consummating kiss that has now bound us together alwayswithout ending. We danced into the early dawn as the wedding festivities ended beautifully. Sabina and baby had retired for the night so she could feed him and then get some needed rest since she was still recovering.

“Are you happy, Mrs. George?” I asked as I continued to twirl Ellen around the dance floor.

“Oh, Mr. George, happy doesn’t begin to describe how I’m feeling right now.”

“You ready to begin the first day of the rest of our lives?”

“More like continuing the happily ever after,” I said as Edric held me close in his arms.

“What do you mean, baby?”

“You always knew we would end up here, didn’t you, Edric?”

“In the beginning, my feelings were all over the place, and on most days, you had my heart tied up in knots, but yes, I never gave up hope. On the other hand, you needed some time to get here, but does it matter now? We’re married, and I couldn’t be happier to be your husband.”

“I feel blessed, Edric. Do you believe in fate?”

“I believe in you. Does that count?”

“Yes, but I was talking more about what we were always meant to be. I sometimes think that maybe, in some way, my parents sent you to me because it wasn’t okay to be alone anymore. Then, you came into my life, making me realize I could accept love again. You never stop telling me how beautiful I am, but the truth is, you make me feel that from the inside, and it just radiates to the outside. You changed me. Your love changed me.”

“Thank you for not giving up on me when I gave up on love itself. You brought me back to life, Edric, by loving me. As crazy as I made you, you accepted all parts of me. I couldn’t be happier to be your wife.” Ellen wrapped her dainty hands around my neck to pull me down into a kiss. I felt my erection harden against the zipper of my trousers, causing painful friction. God,I wanted her so much and needed to make love to her. I couldn’t wait to repeatedly lose myself inside my wife until she made me forget my name.

When we broke apart, she didn’t go too far. Damn, she was incredibly sexy; she drove me mad with need. She turned just a little to reach for my tie and give it a sassy pull as she said, “You ready to say our goodbyes and continue our happily ever after?”