“So ready,” I said and kissed my beautiful wife.And that’s exactly what we did.
Two perfectly imperfect people who built a life together and formed an unbreakable connection.
Ellen’s dream comes true
A long time ago, I stopped believing in the fairytale. After losing everyone I loved, I was too consumed with work and afraid to let anyone into my heart. Well, all that closed-up thinking changed the day I met Edric George. The sexy and extreme alpha male broke down all the walls surrounding my heart. He found his way in and never left.
After our dream wedding, another dream happened for us despite our previous declarations of waiting. We built our new life in London as husband and wife. I was settling into my new role at my hospital, and Edric returned to being a super security man working side by side with his band of brothers, including Patch, who I adored. He was not only a trusted friend to Edric but to me as well.
All was well in our happily married life until one day at lunch when I had a dizzy spell that nearly sent my over-protective husband into a panic attack. I kept reminding him that I was adoctor and knew my body. Well, being the possessive man he is, he would not listen to reason and brought me right home, where he summoned my doctor to make a house call. I couldn’t stop laughing, but then one glance toward Edric, and I stopped making him out to be the crazy one and did as he asked. This is what I signed up for when I chose to hand myself over to my husband completely.
He swore he would love and protect me to his last dying breath, and I believed him. This is another example of my husband living up to one of a million promises he made to me. After he calmed down, I called Dr. Jennifer O’Reilly, a friend and colleague I befriended on my first day at St. Thomas. We clicked immediately, and after a cup of coffee and an hour-long conversation, I knew we would have a great working relationship and a friendship.
Edric had my feet on pillows and a compress to my head as I heard the doorbell ring. He practically leaped off the sofa to answer the door. I listened to a pleasant exchange, and Jennifer stepped inside. She took one look at me, and I knew she wanted to laugh, but my eyes told her not to. Instead, she shifted into doctor mode and politely asked Edric if we could have some privacy. At first, he said no, but then I told him I would be more comfortable up in our room and would be down soon. He reluctantly agreed, and before I could move, the bear of a man carried me upstairs to our bedroom. I rolled my eyes at him, but he silenced me with a kiss, and I knew better than to argue. I can’t say I blame him for how he is considering how our past led us to where we are now, which is happily married bliss.
“So, what’s going on? And why did I have to cancel half my day to rush here?” Jennifer asked as she sat on our bed while unbuttoning her blazer.
“First, thank you for coming, although it was completely unnecessary. It’s probably nothing, and I tried in vain to explain to Edric, but he wouldn’t listen, and now you’re here.”
“You said you had a dizzy spell at the restaurant?” she asked as she began to rifle through her medical bag for a blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope.
“Yes, I don’t know if I stood up too quickly, but it felt like I would pass out. But, of course, Edric was there to catch me, which embarrassed me in the middle of the busy pub. I excused myself to the bathroom and tossed my lunch, which I could not hide from Edric because, as you can see, I have a few capillaries’ in my cheek that bloomed to the surface. I’m not the best at vomiting, and there was no way I could hide it.”
“Well, your blood pressure is good, and so is your pulse. Before I came over, I perused your file from a few months ago when you had your physical. You are in perfect health.” And then questioned, “When was your last period?” The minute the words passed over her lips, I felt like I could vomit again. “Ellen, is there a possibility you could be pregnant?”
“Yes,” was the only answer I could say. Despite wanting to wait, we no longer practiced birth control. After our wedding and returning to London, Edric asked me to go off the pill. I was initially unsure since we agreed to wait, but I chose fate over science. It would happen if it was meant for me to be pregnant. That assumption could be a reality, and I must know before I burst.
“Yes, I could be pregnant; if I am, he will be the happiest man on the planet. Did you bring a test with you?”
“I did, but just to be one hundred percent sure, I’d like to take some blood as well. Will that be okay?”
“Do it,” I said, holding my arm to her. After filling a few vials of my blood, I drank some juice and went into my bathroom totake the test. I put it back into the wrapper and said a prayer to be positive.
“Okay, my nurse is downstairs and will run the sample to the lab. I should know in about an hour. Have you looked at the test?”
“I’m too nervous to look and don’t want to get my hopes up.”
“I understand. How about this? I run the blood while you rest, and once I get the results, I will ring you at once. If the results show what you and I believe will be a positive for pregnancy, then you have the stick as well and can show proof to Edric.”
“Great plan, but how do I get him to calm down?”
“Seriously? This is coming from the wife of the alpha beast, who is probably right outside the door readying himself to break the door down to check on you,” she whispered, and I covered my mouth from laughing.
“Thank you again, Jennifer. Please tell Edric I am fine, and it was just low blood sugar?”
“No worries, I have your back, but as soon as he knows the truth, good luck lifting a finger around him. Stay by the phone, and I’ll ring you soon.”
“Sounds good,” Just as I bid farewell to my friend, Edric entered, looking beside himself. He pulled me onto his lap and crushed his lips to mine in a fervent kiss. It was a claim that I was used to. A reminder of who I belong to.
“Are you alright?” he asked as we both came up for air. Jennifer made her discreet exit and closed the door behind her. “It feels as if I’d been out there forever. What did Jennifer say? How are you feeling?”
“Honey, I’m fine, just a little low blood sugar,” I lied, hoping he believed me. Edric eyed me suspiciously and then visibly relaxed, taking my mouth again. “I promise I’m very healthy, and you don't need to worry.”
“Yeah, and the sky is not blue,” he scoffed, running his fingers over his buzzed hair. “Forgive me. I know Jennifer must think I’ve lost my rational thinking mind, but baby, you scared me, and I do not deny it.”
“And I would not expect you to, so it’s fine. I will take a short nap and speak to Jennifer later once she has the results from my blood test, which is all routine, I promise. Cross my heart,” I say, motioning my fingers over my chest.