“I love you too. See you soon.” While Nai stayed with Sabina, I went downstairs to update everyone. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me to find Edric leaning against the wall.

“Come here, baby,” his arms opened for me, and I walked into them with Edric holding me close. “I am so proud of you. You are brilliant, and what a way to begin our marriage with baby Atwater coming into the world. Is it a boy or a girl?”

“A boy, and he’s beautiful. He has a full head of dark hair just like his parents and looks like his mama with that beautiful olive skin.”

“You know, one day, that will be me and you in there. Are you ready for that?”

“I am, and I can’t wait to carry your child.”


“I want to take time with you first. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, more than okay. I love you, Ellen,”

“I love you, Edric. Now, update everyone downstairs while I check on the new family.” He gave me a sounding kiss and lifted me into his arms, spinning me around until I was dizzy.

“What was that for?” I asked as I caught my breath.

“It’s just how you make me feel. I can’t wait to marry you tomorrow and make you mine forever.” He gave me one more kiss that practically ignited my body in flames, and then I checked on Sabina, who was already nursing her son.

“Thank you, Ellen, for bringing my son into the world. We couldn’t have done this without you,” said Bourne.

“You’re welcome, and you already thanked me enough. It was Sabina who did the hard part. So, how are you feeling?”

“A little sore and tired, but other than that, I’m over the moon in love with my son.”

“Great, I can give you something that won’t interfere with your milk, and from how he has latched on already, he’s nursing like a champ. I want you to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.”

“Oh, she will; I’ll make sure of it,” Bourne said as he couldn’t tear his eyes away from his wife and son. “Ellen, why don’t you rest? You know you’re marrying my best friend tomorrow.”

“I haven’t forgotten; thank you for everything you’ve done to make this wedding perfect for us. I’ll see you tomorrow, and you too, little wedding crasher.”


While Sabina rested and remained upstairs with the baby, Bourne did double duty as my best man and host. Anna and Antonia shared the cooking duties and prepared an incredible brunch for all the guests. I only saw Ellen for a little while this morning while she spent time with Kyle and Nai, who stood up for her. It would be a while until the friends would see each other again, so Ellen wanted to spend as much time as possible with them. After brunch, we went our separate ways to prepare for our big night. I spent time on the beach watching the waves crash along the shore.

“It’s stunning here, isn’t it?” Then, I turned around to see Kaz.

“It certainly is, and it’s the perfect place to marry Ellen.”

“I couldn’t agree more, and in just a few hours, you will do just that. But, you know, I’m proud of you, Edric, and so happy you got your head out of your ass and did the right thing by that girl.”

Leave it to Kaz to keep it real. I released the biggest laugh and fell back onto the sand. “Thank you. You always say the perfect thing.”

“It’s why you pay me the big bucks, and I’m long overdue for a raise. Keep that in mind while you and Bourne are globe-trotting around the world.”

“You know you are the glue that keeps us all together, and you are due a raise and so much more for these last months that I’ve been MIA from the office, but you did an amazing job. We are busier than ever before and have more clients than we know what to do with.”

“I’m just happy you and Ellen are making a home in London; it will be a good change for her after everything she’s been through.”

“I couldn’t agree more, and before she begins her new job at St. Thomas Hospital, she will take time off. So we have a honeymoon to enjoy before we dive back into our demanding careers.”

“Be happy, Edric. I mean that.”

“I know, and thank you for setting me straight. I think back to that day in my office. I was so angry with Ellen and almost allowed my stupid pride to get in the way of what mattered. We’ve come so far from that phone call, and tonight, she will be my wife.”

“Well, I’ve seen the blushing bride, and she’s stunning, which is another reason I came out here. It’s time for you to get ready. Bourne sent me on the hunt for you, and he’s upstairs with Patch.”