Tears and applause resonated throughout the room as I took Ellen in my arms and kissed her madly in front of everyone. Bourne got his share of love from Sabina, and as he kissed her back, she released a piercing cry. “Principessa, what’s wrong? Is it the baby?” a worried Bourne asked his wife as she clutched her stomach. He picked her up and carried her over to the sofa. Ellen hurried over to be by her side.
“She’s fine, Bourne, and the question is, are you ready to meet your baby? Because he or she has decided to be a wedding crasher and will be making an appearance soon.” The room erupted into happy chaos, and everyone was on their feet, asking how they could help. Bourne went from calm and controlled to a first-time father who was scared out of his mind. Ellen was the one in charge now and commanded the room. He carried Sabina up to their bedroom, and since Nai was one of our guests here with us, she assisted Ellen while the rest of us waited downstairs for the arrival of their baby. Kyle patted the back of the nervous father-to-be and told him that all would be great since Sabina had the best doctor caring for her.
“Edric, my head is spinning,” he said as he paced the hallway. “I’m about to be a father,” he continued to pace the room and placed a hand over his heart. “What if I fuck up? Oh, my God, what if I fuck up?” I couldn’t help but laugh.
“I never thought I would see the day Bourne Atwater is not in control. You’re the guy that usually has the answer before the question is asked.”
“Yeah, well, that guy was never a father, and I’m scared shitless right now. Sabina is incredibly strong and relies on me to be the same.”
“Yeah, she is, and I do not doubt that you will be strong and so much more for your wife and baby. So, take a breath and remember how much you love her and all those promises you made to Sabina. She needs you.”
“Oh, Ellen, it hurts,” she said as she continued to clutch the comforter with every contraction.
“I know it does, but it will be over very soon because this baby is determined.”
“Like his father,” she beamed at Bourne, who kissed her forehead and happily agreed.
“You are doing great, Principessa. Break my hand if you have to.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ve been through worse, and this is good because we will meet our baby anytime now,” she huffed in between breaths as she cried out again.
“Okay, Sabina, you are at ten centimeters, and this is the fastest labor I have ever seen.” After I said the words, my best friend’s facial expression dropped, and of course, she couldn’t hide anything from Bourne.
“Principessa,” he said slowly. “Have you been in labor this whole time and didn’t say anything to me?” she remained quietand avoided her husband, focusing on the next contraction. She didn’t have to answer him because I already knew Sabina’s labor did not begin in the middle of Bourne’s speech, and he did, too.
“Okay, party planner, I suspect you have been slowly progressing over the last couple of days, and now it’s time to meet your baby because it’s time to push. Bourne, I need you to focus and be here with me now.”
“Yes, anything,” he said, kissing the top of Sabina’s head.
“Good. Climb up and get behind Sabina to support her as she leans forward to push. We are going to take five breaths at a time until you crown. You are very close, so it shouldn’t take much. Let’s go, Sabina, and count back. Five, four, three, two, one, and push. Okay, I see the head. Five, four, three, two, one, and push. You are doing so well. The baby’s head is out. Nai, suction, please,”
“I don’t hear any crying. Why isn’t he crying?”
“Sabina, the baby is fine and almost here. I need you to bear down so we get him past his shoulders. Once you do that, he’s going to be in your arms. Now, are you ready?”
“I think so,” she panted.
“You can do this, Principessa; I know you can.” Bourne kissed the top of her head and continued to encourage his wife.
“Okay, Sabina, it’s time. I need you to give me one more strong push. Ready?”
“Yes, I’m ready,” she let out a breath. “I love you, Bourne. Please don’t be mad,”
“Never, Principessa, I love you so much. You are so strong.”
With my instructed commands, Sabina never worked so hard, and it took two more pushes, and then she delivered a very healthy baby boy who made his presence known by crying at the top of his lungs. Bourne cut the cord, and then he was free from Sabina’s body. She fell back to the bed and was laughing andcrying all at the same time. Bourne was crying, too, as they both waited for me to bring over their son.
I examined their son, who was just perfect. Bourne had transformed the room into the ideal birthing suite for his wife. I had everything at my disposal to perform all the post-birth checks. Once I finished, I couldn’t help staring into his beautiful eyes.
“You are the sweetest. Are you ready to meet your mommy and daddy? Well, little man, I’m your Aunt Ellen, and thank you for making this night perfect for your Uncle Edric and me.” I wrapped him up in the blanket Sabina had chosen and carried him over, placing the six-pound, 5-ounce baby boy into her arms. Her eyes were filled with tears as Bourne placed kisses on his head.
“We’re a family, baby. You did it.” He said as he continued to hold his wife and new son.
“You did great, Sabina, and congratulations.”
“Thank you, Ellen. I couldn’t have done this without you. We love you,” she said, and then I hugged them all.