I promised her that we had all the time in the world and I would never put any pressure on her or me, for that matter. We agreed to take time for us, and we left getting pregnant up to fate to see when we would be blessed with another miracle. We arrived at Lucy and Pierre’s home in Parioli, Rome. It was early morning, just shortly after the sun had risen, and it appeared to set right over their property. It was a gorgeous morning, and once we stepped out of the car, Sabina’s eyes lit up at the anticipation of seeing her friend again.

“Are you nervous?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around her.

“A little. It’s Lucy and Pierre, and I’m nervous to walk up to their door.”

“Your friends love and have missed you so much.”

“I know, but it’s been so long since I’ve seen them, and after the way,” she hesitated, and I knew she was about to cry.

“No more tears; talk to me.”

“I behaved terribly and pushed Lucy away after I lost the baby. I feel disgusted with myself for being a crappy friend.”

“You are not a crappy friend, and if you don’t get over here right now, I may turn you in for the newest best friend model,” I let go of my wife after we both knew the voice we heard was Lucy standing right behind us. Sabina jumped right into her arms, and I watched the two friends hug, cry, and then laugh as they jumped up and down in excitement, picking up their friendship as if no time had passed.

“Oh, Lucy, I am so happy to see you,” she said, then paused and burst into laughter again. “Holy boobs, Lucy, you are huge!”

“I know. My daughter eats like a baby cow, but she’s so cute, and can’t wait to meet her auntie.”

“Great, take me to my goddaughter; we have presents.”

The girls were in baby heaven for the next three days, and I loved watching my wife with Lucy’s child. Lisette Marie Goddard was gorgeous with red hair that matched her mother’s and eyes that were her father’s. I can’t wait to become a father and experience all the joy Pierre was having. It’s a dream I was too afraid to voice out loud in front of Sabina. I was again, leaving it up to fate.

“Okay, I think that covers it. You’ve done excellent work, Pierre, and I know Edric appreciates the contribution you’ve brought to the team.”

“Thank you, sir, and for having faith in me.”

“It’s Bourne, and you’re welcome. With you handling operations in Southern Europe and Edric handling the North, all covered along with Kaz and her million and one duties that keep us all together.”

“Yeah, she’s pretty scary when she wants to be, and I make it a point to stay out of her way when I have to go to London.”

“Yes, but on the upside to her strict regime of how she runs the office, she can also be your best friend who is beyond loyal to the deepest depths of her soul.”

“And, she gives amazing gifts. I swear half of Lisette’s closet is from Kaz. So, you wait, Bourne, until it’s your time. She will have you registered at Harrod’s quicker than you can say baby registry.”

I said nothing more to continue the line of the baby conversation because I couldn’t allow myself to get my hopes up until the time was here, and then I could rejoice in it. Later that evening, in bed with Sabina, I was almost tempted to bring up the subject of children, but then she surprised me with her request.

“Would you mind if I took a girl's day with Lucy tomorrow? It will be our last chance to spend time with one another before leaving for the island. It’s been amazing with Lisette, but I miss her mommy, too!”

“Um, where do you want to go?” I asked hesitantly.

“Are you saying I can’t go?” She went to sit up, and I pulled her back down to me.

“No, I’m not, but you’re not giving me a lot of notice, and I have to arrange security and transport for you and Lucy.” I watched her cast her eyes down, which she knew never to do. “Principessa, what’s going on here?”

“Nothing, it was a last-minute idea, and since Pierre didn’t mind, I didn’t think you would either. Honey, it’s fine. I’ll be right back,” and she darted into the bathroom.



I barely got out of bed and closed the door before Bourne was hot on my heels. I handled this all wrong, and now he’s probably freaked out because of how I’m behaving. I know my husband, and it’s impossible to hide anything from him, even if it’s something great that will make him happy. I wanted to be sure and not disappoint him if my tests returned negative and I wasn’t pregnant. I sat on the vanity bench just as Bourne stepped inside. I looked up and said, “Problem?” in the calmest tone I could muster.

“No, are you okay?” he questioned as he studied my expression.

“Yup, just had to pee,” again trying in vain to throw him off the scent of discovering all my secrets.

“Okay, take all the time you need while I make phone calls to arrange your day tomorrow.”