“Is it over,”Sabina could have asked me anything, but the three words she said were not what I expected. Of course, I knew this day was coming, and we had to talk, but she surprised me as she often does. Sabina at first shared something beautiful with me, our wedding, and my family. I’ve told her I miss them and will love them forever. We will always share the memory of Marielle and be grateful to our angel for bringing us together. I wish every single day that she was here with me and for Sabina. I know my sister would give us her blessing. It was easy to talk about the good things that made you happy and smile. However, Sabina was silently gathering enough strength to ask me the hard part: the one conversation I’d been avoiding.

She held my hand and then asked, “Is it over?” three simple words and all she asked in return was one simple and uncomplicated answer. It was vividly clear to me why she askedwhat she did, and I knew I would keep my promise and respect the answer I gave her.

“Yes, it’s over. I promise.”

Sabina sighed and slowly closed her eyes as she fell asleep. My beautiful girl has had to carry so many burdens all these years, and now she’s finally free of them. Sabina needed to rest from the trauma her body had endured. I didn’t have the strength to tell her about our baby and how close we came to losing the pregnancy. I was terrified and hated to see her in pain. I wanted to return to our life on the island and move on from this tragedy. I left her to sleep while I took care of some business with Edric.

“How is she doing?” he asked as we walked the grounds.

“She’s stable and doing so much better.”

“Have you told her about the baby yet?”

“No, I have not, and to tell you the truth, I don’t know what is holding me back. Is it the fear that Sabina may tell me she doesn’t want it and her feelings haven’t changed regarding children?”

“Bourne, she wants children with you and the life you promised her. Will you take a breath and enjoy the miracle you have in Sabina? I have never seen you this way before. You are usually the coolest guy in the room. You always have a direction and know the answer to every question before it's asked, chill the fuck out, okay?”

“Edric, I wish it was that easy, but it’s complicated, and you know why. I lied to Sabina, and now I must carry the burden of that lie for the rest of my life. You do know about lies, right, Edric? Like when you should have told me about Gio now working for the Russians; I didn’t see that one coming.”

“Fine, let me have it; give me all you’ve got if it will make you feel better.”

“I’m sorry, residual anger I didn’t get to take out on you before. I know why you kept it from me, but that’s it? No more secrets,not one more between us. I have enough to deal with and can’t handle yours, too.”

“She made her choice, Bourne, and now you must keep your promise and respect it. I truly believe it's Sabina’s way of breaking with the past and beginning a new life with you. You see it as a burden, but I don't see it this way. It’s a gift; you should accept it, move on, and be happy with the woman you love. You fought through hell to be together. Do not let the past define your future. It’s over and in the past.”

“You’re right; she knew what she was doing when she asked me. I promised to answer truthfully, and I did, right? So, I assume everything has been taken care of?”

“Yes, all matters of the state have been resolved. It’s a new day in the kingdom with its new ruler taking his place, and so far, all is merry. However,” he paused.

“Yeah, I knew that was coming.”

“He asked if Sabina wanted to look around the house again to see if she wanted anything. After that, Gio plans to gut the house and rebuild from the ground up, all part of the new way the family will run their business.”

“The Vasiliev way?”

“So I’m told,” I shrugged.

I thought about it for a while and knew Sabina would never agree to step back on that property, but it was a no-brainer as to what she would want. “Her mother’s piano, she would want the piano. So make the arrangements and have it brought over to the island.”

“Are you sure that’s where she would want it?” I mean, you haven’t decided where you will live yet.”

“If I know anything about Sabina, then I already know the island is the perfect place for the piano. The piano has always brought her peace, and now the island has, too.”

“I’ll make the arrangements. Give her my love, and I’ll see you back on the island.”

“Safe travels, brother, and thank you for everything.”

After I said goodbye to Edric, I took a little more time to gather my thoughts before returning to Sabina. Our new life had hardly begun yet, and it’s been tested more times than it should have. I’m so thankful to Dr. Chantal, who is board-certified in several fields of medicine. Her expansive knowledge and experience helped save not only Sabina but our baby, too. When she began to have pain, my mind immediately believed she was miscarrying. However, once the doctor did a complete exam and another ultrasound, it showed that Sabina was still pregnant.

Sabina remained in the hospital for five days until we were ready to return to New Zealand. The wedding was on hold until Sabina was a hundred percent well and the blushing bride she always dreamed of being. Lucy and Pierre stayed on with Edric, flying home before us to work on new projects with him. Lucy enjoyed spending time with Anna and learning to bake, which she was enjoying immensely, according to Anna. She was a mother to all of us, and we were slowly becoming one blended family.

On the day we were to go home, I discussed Sabina's pregnancy with Ellen. It was pretty intense, with the doctor giving it to me straight. “You have to tell her, Bourne, she is and will continue to be considered high risk until she delivers, and not knowing will put Sabina and your unborn child at more risk.”

“Ellen, she's still recovering from getting shot and finally is well enough to travel. One step at a time, please.”

“Fine, but I caution you to tell her sooner rather than later. I've never been in such a precarious situation like this before, and I feel as if I am betraying my patient's confidence. It’s unethical, and I can’t begin to tell you how much it weighs heavily on myconscience. Forget about being a doctor; I’m a woman, and if I were in Sabina's situation, I would want to know.”

“You are not Sabina; you are you, and let’s not forget you’ve been paid generously for your cooperation, silence, and discretion. My donation alone will keep this hospital running for the next decade or more.”