“Yes, you did, and I would give it all back not to feel the way I do, so please be honest with her and share the happy news with Sabina. I may never see you again after you walk out of my clinic, but I wish you the best. She is one of the most resilient patients I have ever treated, and it's been a pleasure getting to know her. I wish you well, Mr. Atwater. Safe travels to you both.”

The good doctor left me standing in front of Sabina’s room, and I know I should have apologized for my harsh tone, but all I cared about was getting my woman home. The rest could wait.

“I can't believe we are finally returning to our island; I can say that, right? Our island?”

“Yes, everything that is mine is now yours, my love, and I can't wait to share it all with you. How are you feeling? You know Kyle said even with your progress, you still have to take it easy with your side and not push yourself.”

“I know, and I’ll take it easy. You almost passed out when he removed the stitches.”

“I did not, and you exaggerate love; I couldn't handle seeing you in any more pain. You've been through so much already, and I want you to be well and strong again.”

“You know I love you so much for worrying about me, but I will experience pain again, Bourne, and you can do nothing to prevent it.”

“What are you talking about, Principessa?” She had surprised me with what she said, and I wanted to know what she meant, so I asked her to explain herself. “Principessa,” I said, and then she smiled and placed her hands on her flat stomach.

“Oh, Bourne, did you think I didn't know my body and that I was pregnant? I think I knew back on the island when I made the biggest mistake of telling you I wasn’t sure I was ready. You can call it fear or just me being twenty-two and experiencing a lot of change in a short amount of time. I’m guessing you told Ellen and the rest of the world not to tell me, but I need to know why?”

“I wanted to tell you and planned to once we were back on the island. Sabina, please understand that I was out of my mind with worry when you were taken and then had to endure days of not knowing if you were alive or dead. And then you get shot, and my world goes dark. I prayed for you to come back to me, and when you did, I could finally breathe. Ellen wasn’t sure if the baby was viable at the time and was prepared for the worst-case scenario of another loss. I looked at you asleep in that hospital bed and decided. You had been through so much; if we lost our child, I would accept it and leave it up to bad timing. Look how badly I reacted when I believed you didn’t want them with me. I am a complicated man with a past of doing things my way because after my family died, I never had to be accountable for anything else. Sabina, this is me being protective, and once I knew you and our child were safe and going to be okay, God willing, I needed more time to process the news, and then once I was okay, I would be prepared enough to tell you.”

I finally released the breath I’d been holding and waited for what Sabina would say. Instead, she unbuckled her seatbelt and inched closer toward me to sit on my lap and wrap her arms around my neck.

“I love you so much, and I love our baby. That day back on the island, when I told you I wasn't sure if I was ready, all I was saying was not all at once. I know I didn't explain my feelings correctly, but that didn't mean I never wanted children or a family with you.” She kissed me and continued, “Bourne, you are my family, and now this little one is part of us, you and me, andour love for each other. You and this baby are my chance to have something real in my life.” She kissed me slowly at first, and then our kiss became heated until I slowed down and held her face to ask her a question.

“Are you absolutely sure? We've only just begun, and now we will be parents. It's all surreal but fantastic at the same time, and I, for one, can't wait for all the wonderful things to come for us to experience.

“No doubts, my love; I am ready, but can we do something first?”

“Anything you wish,”

“Good, I was hoping you would say that. Will you marry me?”

“Yes, my Principessa, thousand times yes.”

I held my beautiful girl in my arms and kissed, hugged, and loved her until it was time to settle her back into the seat as we prepared to land. We had talked so much about many things and the weight of all that happened suddenly lifted because I knew we would be alright. She had fallen asleep after I secured her back into her seat. She pouted, which I loved, and then reluctantly agreed. I couldn’t wait to marry her as planned, but it wasn’t just us anymore; we had a baby to look forward to, and I would love them for the rest of my life.

I kissed her awake, with Sabina happily sighing and cuddling close to me. I loved holding her like this in my arms, but I knew something would make her happier. I kissed her softly, then directed her attention toward the window.

“Look out the window, love. We're home.”



Bourne carried me down the jet landing to thunderous applause from the welcoming committee of Edric, Anna, Lucy, and Pierre. They welcomed me home with tears and gentle hugs when he placed me down. Lucy looked gorgeous wearing an emerald green sundress and sporting quite the basketball-sized baby bump underneath. We cried for long minutes as we couldn’t let the other go.

“No more disappearing, not ever again,” she said through tears as I continued to hug my best friend and promised I was here to stay. “Okay, let’s return to the house, and then we can catch up.”

“Sounds great; I’ve missed you so much. By the way, I am an awesome cook and baker now,” said Lucy, who couldn’t contain her excitement. My best friend was adorable, and her smile was infectious. We were arm in arm, ready to go, when Bourne stepped in front of us to stop me from taking one more step.

“Stop right there, Principessa,” he raised his hand.

“What are you up to?” I asked and then saw Edric drive up in an oversized golf cart. I shook my head and said, “Seriously?”

“Um, have you met me?” he took my hand in his and kissed the inside of my wrist, sending tingles through my whole body. Bourne didn’t want me to overexert myself, and if he didn’t allow me to walk down the jet landing stairs, there was no way he would let me walk up to the house. I accepted his chivalry, which I loved, and enjoyed the smooth ride to the front door. Bourne walked around to my side, lifted me in his arms, and carried me into the house.

“You need to stop carrying me around,” I poked him in the shoulder, with Bourne effectively ignoring my protests.

“And you need to stop complaining and enjoy the pampering I want and will give you. Kiss me, Principessa, and saying no will never be an option.” I giggled, and he couldn’t wait for my answer and kissed my neck. “Now, I’m going to place you down on the big and very comfortable couch where Lucy will join you, and you both will relax.”