“It’s fine, you big bear, just give me a kiss and make it all better.” he cupped my face and gently swept my lips in a kiss I barely felt, but this was his way of going easy and showing me tender care which I loved just as much as I craved his dominating side. The doctor made a call on her cell, and a few minutes later, a male doctor walked into the room.

“Ellen, what’s up?”

“Kyle, I’d like to introduce you to Sabina, our not-so-much-star patient who got out of bed prematurely.” She said lightheartedly, probably trying to break up some of the tension in the room. “She has torn at least three stitches, but the site is a mess, and I wanted you to examine it; hopefully, you can re-suture here instead of going into the operating room.”

“Okay, Sabina, Ellen is right about tearing a few stitches but lucky for you, the antibiotics are working, and I see no sign of infection. I’ll be back with the kit to take care of this.” Bourne said nothing and put his head down in worry while Ellen removed the entire bandage and cleaned the area with some antiseptic solution.

“Hey,” said Edric as he came over to the other side of the bed and placed a kiss on the top of my head. “I’m so happy you are back with us and where you belong, just no more heroics, okay?”

“I promise one gunshot wound per lifetime,” My joke fell short, and the two men on either side of me didn’t look happy. Bourne continued to be silent but didn’t let me go, and Edric excused himself when the male doctor known as Kyle returned and got right to work, giving me new stitches.

“I need to give you a local, and it may sting at first, but it will quickly numb the area I need to repair.” I took a deep breath andthen another, and Kyle had finished by the time I did it again. “I will apply a heavier pressure bandage and then wrap it tighter around your ribs. We will remove this in the next few days and see a significant change in the healing process.” As soon as he said a few days, I began to cry, which worried everyone in the room, especially Bourne. “Principessa, why are you crying? Is the dressing hurting you?”

“No, it’s not that. What day is it?” I asked, and then once I did, what I was asking registered all over his face.

“It’s Saturday, our wedding day,” I cried into my pillow, and I couldn’t stop them until it was over with Bourne holding me close to him. “Please don’t cry; my heart just can’t take it anymore. I promise we will get married as soon as you are strong and well enough. Lucy and Pierre are still on the island with Anna and anxiously awaiting our homecoming.”

I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, but I knew it would hurt him to leave. I remained silent for a few minutes to catch my breath and take in all that had happened since the day Lucas ambushed the island. I winced, and my side ached when I shouldn’t have since the doctor had just numbed the incision. I tried to move a little to get comfortable, but then the pain struck again. This time, it wasn’t coming from my side but lower toward my abdomen.

“Bourne, I don’t feel well,” Before he could react, I felt a gush of wetness between my legs. What followed was Bourne shouting for help, and everything went dark afterward.

* * * * *

My mother played the most beautiful melody on her beloved piano. I sat beside her on the bench as her fingers danced across the keys, doing the one thing that made her happy.

“Mama, you are so beautiful. How are you here with me?”

“I’m always here with you, Sabina, in your heart and memories. I’m sorry I didn’t live enough to see you fall in loveand marry your prince. From the blue skies and starry nights, I’ll be watching from another place and sending you all my love that you have always had with you. It was love that helped you be strong and brave. I need you to do that again because you are so loved and needed. He’s worried about you, so please, my beautiful daughter, get well and return to the man who loves you. I will always be here and love you forever.”

I fought against my exhausted state and heard my Mama’s beautiful melody, willing me to wake. I felt his hand in mine and kisses on my skin. “Bourne,” I called out to him, and he said he was here and begged me to open my eyes. Everything hurt, and after a few attempts, I opened my eyes and focused on his handsome face. “Don’t cry, Bourne,” I whispered. He held my hand and continued to cry and kiss my hand. “You were playing my Mama’s melody.”

“Yes, I was for you, Sabina, to bring you back to me. You’re going to be okay. We had a little scare, but you made it through the surgery just fine.”

“Surgery? What happened?”

“Not now, Principessa. You’ve been asleep for nearly two days, and I need you to stay awake for me and not look away again. Can you do that for me? Will you keep your eyes on me as I look into yours?”

“Yes, I will never look away, Bourne, not when all I see is love staring back. I promise I will not put you through anything like this again. I know you’re angry and don’t understand why I chose to save Gio, but I couldn’t give them any more lives; whether he deserved it or not, it wouldn’t be Lucas to seal his fate.”

“So, you had to be the one?”

“Yes, I did. And you know why. No more losses, Bourne; I had to save someone, even if that person was Gio.”

“Sabina, I have to tell you something,” he held my hand, and his beautiful face was lined in pain, breaking my heart.

“You called me by my real name and not Principessa; I guess it must be pretty serious,” I said and then held his hand and brought it up to my mouth to kiss and breathe in his scent.

“Bourne, before you say anything else, may I ask a question first?” he nodded and never stopped touching me as I began to speak. “When you’re asleep for as long as I’ve seemed to be, your mind tends to travel to other places, beautiful ones that make you feel safe and secure. In a dream, we got married, and I got to meet your father as Marielle stood up for me. It was beautiful, and they were so happy. My other dream was of my mother playing the piano for me. She says she’ll watch when we marry and send us all of her love. So, in all the beauty I could see in my dreams, I want that to continue in my reality, the real one I share with you. I don’t want a big explanation for what I will ask you. I don’t need it or ever have to hear it. All I need is a yes or no answer, and then once I have it, we move forward and put this nightmare behind us. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Principessa, I do. Ask me,” he said as he looked into my eyes.

“Is. It. Over?”

“Yes,” he answered, never looking away, and I knew it was.

