“I wouldn’t dream of it. Let’s go get your girl.”


Thinking he may have drugged my food, I refused to eat any of it. I would rather starve than give my brother the satisfaction and succumb to his demands. No, fuck him! I was over being afraid and meant what I said about fighting back. Once the effects of the drugs wore off, I got up from the bed and moved about the room. I stretched my limbs and let out some calming breaths.

I was thankful I could use the bathroom and wasn’t bound to the bed. I wasn’t sure if my brother was feeling nostalgic about putting me back into my childhood bedroom, but clearly, it had been ripped apart and newly decorated. All my hiding spots had been discovered in my absence, and I could find nothing to use as a weapon. Lucas had to know that what he was doing was wrong. I was angry earlier, but up until now, I never wished him dead. Bourne must be out of his mind with worry and is fighting his way to me. I know he will not stop until we are reunited. I’mpraying that rescuing me will not come at a cost, but even I know that’s wishful thinking.

I splashed cool water on my face and pulled my hair back into a messy bun. I needed a shower, but I wouldn’t leave myself open and vulnerable for anyone to come in and sneak up on me. I was feeling lightheaded, and then my eyes blurred a little. Ugh! I covered my mouth, ran back into the bathroom, and reached the toilet, expelling my stomach.

My body was shaking, and my stomach was still heaving. I felt pain in my side, but once it passed, I thought I was okay until I tried to stand up. I nearly fell to the floor, and strong arms caught me. I looked up to see Gio staring at me with worried eyes. He quickly lifted me into his arms and returned me to the bed. The room was spinning, and I didn’t understand what was happening. Why was I feeling this way? I didn’t eat or drink anything from the tray, so why was I suddenly sick? He placed a washcloth on my forehead and held my wrist while checking my pulse.

“Please, Gio, help me,” I pleaded with him and prayed he would listen.

“Shhh, it’s going to be okay, just lay down and rest. You must be experiencing a reaction to the drugs. It will all be over soon; he’s coming for you.”

He’s coming for me? Is Gio talking about Bourne?

“Gio, I feel sick again,” I groaned. He carried me back into the bathroom in record time. I got sick as I knew I would and then slumped against the toilet, wiping my mouth with the cloth he handed me. “What the hell did he do to me?” I asked aloud.

“I’m so sorry, Sabina. You must believe I tried to reason with him, but he will not listen to me; he’s gone quite mad.”

He was about to carry me again, but I told him I was better and could walk alone. I reached the bed, still a little wobbly on my feet, but I knew I couldn’t lay back down in fear I would fallasleep from exhaustion. The door suddenly burst open, causing me to jump and hide behind Gio.

“Gio, I need you downstairs.” He demanded.

“What’s going on, Lucas? Are the walls closing in around you?” I took a few steps forward, not caring about my defiance. He didn’t push back; he welcomed it.

“It appears your knight and shining armor has arrived. He is in for quite a treat,” he taunted, but I wasn’t taking the bait. I wasn’t afraid and vowed not to go down without a fight.

“I knew he would come for me, and now you’re going to see how much Bourne loves me.” In a rage, he shoved Gio out of the way and backhanded me across my cheek. He struck me that I lost my balance and fell over my hope chest in front of my bed.

“What the fuck, Lucas!? Why did you do that? Sabina, are you alright?” Asked Gio, who tried to help me, but Lucas pulled a gun and aimed it at him.

“Do not touch her!” he shouted. “I’m warning you, Gio, back away from my sister.”

“Why? So you can hurt her again? Fuck that!” he roared and helped me stand. I felt disoriented from the slap, and I think I hit my head when I fell. Gio held me as he tried to reason with my brother. “Lucas, please stop this madness before you do something you can’t take back.”

“Gio, you’ve been a good soldier who has served me well, a brother, but that is over. You’ve betrayed me and pledged your allegiance to someone else. Oh, no, that will never do.” He directed his gun toward Gio with the red light pointing at the center of his chest.

No! I have to do something to stop him. I will not have another person’s death on my conscience.

The lingering side effects from the drug Lucas used to sedate me made me dizzy, on top of my brother slapping my face. WhenI felt I could stand without stumbling, I faced Lucas, but Gio reached for me and pushed me behind him.

“Do you think you can keep me from my sister?”

“I will do anything to protect Sabina from you,” Gio showed no fear of facing death with my brother’s gun aimed at him.

“How chivalrous of you, but I don’t need you to grandstand, not when I can shoot you.” Lucas had his gun trained at Gio’s chest but beckoned me to go to him. “Sabina, you have five seconds to step out from behind Gio and come to me; if you don’t, I will kill him where he stands.”

“Please, Lucas, you don’t have to do this, and no one else has to die. Hasn’t there been enough bloodshed already? All you have to do is allow me to call Bourne, and this will be over as soon as I tell him that I’m safe.” My head hurt, and my vision blurred as I tried to focus on Lucas.

“Sabina, you’re not well. Come to me, and I’ll take care of you.” Lucas's voice was softer but only to manipulate me. I wasn’t falling for it, not this time.

“I don’t believe you, and as soon as I’m out of the way, you will shoot Gio, and I’m not going to allow you to hurt one more person I care about.”

“How touching, but try to stop me,” he challenged and took another step closer to Gio, who was tiring of my brother’s game.

He roared, “You are no better than Marco; his death weakened you instead of making you stronger. You could have had everything, but you chose darkness, and I will not allow you to bring Sabina down with you. If you are going to shoot me, then stop being a pussy and fucking do it.” Gio taunted and snarled back at Lucas, who cocked his gun and fired, emptying the entire chamber around us.