“Bastardo!” Gio shouted, valiantly shielding me from Lucas. I shoved away from Gio and faced my brother.

“Lucas, please come back and be my big brother, not this version before me.”

“No, Sabina, come back to me, stand by my side, and take your rightful place.”

“You know that’s impossible, and it’s your dream, not mine.”

“Why? Because you say you’re in love with Bourne Atwater? I will kill him before I allow him to take you from me. Now, dear sister, walk toward me, or I will kill Gio.”

“Lucas,” Gio cautiously said. “You still have time to do the right thing. We are surrounded and probably have seconds before Bourne and his team storm through the door. Let her go if you love your sister as you say you do.”

“I do love my sister more than you will ever know. However, my love goes only so far; you should know what I will do to protect it. Now, one last time, step away from my sister.”

“Fuck you, Lucas!” I watched Lucas and Gio struggle in fists of fury, hitting each other, and then Lucas kicked out, and Gio went down as my brother reached for his gun. I knew what my brother was capable of, and at this moment, I was sure Gio had seconds to live if I didn’t do something. Lucas cocked his gun, and I found my strength and voice.

“No!” I shouted as I lunged toward Gio to save him from Luca’s bullet.



The teams advanced on the house, taking out more than a dozen men in a short battle that we won easily with the arsenal of weapons we had at our disposal. Edric and I charged up the stairs to the second-floor landing, and that's when we heard shots fired from the floor above. He looked grim for about a second, and then we continued searching the rooms to where the shots rang out from.

The house was huge, with many doorways and corridors to search. Thankfully, the third floor didn't have many rooms to search, and remembering the layout I committed to memory, I knew we were close to finding Sabina's room. “This has to be it,” I told Edric as he got into position.

Oleg and his men had reached us after securing the rest of the house and removing the last of Lucas's men. “On my signal,” I motioned with my fingers, silently counting 1, 2, and 3. Then, I gripped my weapon and charged through the last room on theright. My eyes scanned the room, looking for Sabina or any proof of life, and that's when we all took in the bloody carnage that covered the floor. Lucas was down but groaning in pain as Gio knelt over a body. I was frozen where I stood but had to will my legs to move and see with my own eyes what I already knew. Sabina, lying motionless and covered in blood.

“No! Principessa,” I shouted. Oleg secured Lucas while Edric held me back from going to her. I found incredible strength and pushed him away, rushing to her side to assess her injuries. Edric was also a medic, and I knew he wanted to evaluate her injuries, but there was no way I could stand down and do nothing. She had been shot, and once I got a closer look, it appeared the bullet went clean through her side. I grabbed the blanket from the bed to stop the bleeding, but seeing my woman hurt derailed me, and I could not stop my hands from shaking. Edric was now at my side and tending to Sabina. I was on my knees, trying to catch my breath and fight my way out of a panic attack. He carefully rolled her from side to side and gently placed her on her back. He tore his shirt off and made a pressure bandage until we could get her to a hospital.

“Bourne,” he shouted. Open your eyes and fucking focus; Sabina needs you.” I snapped out of it at the mention of her name, and then I was at her side, begging her to wake up.

“Sabina, Sabina, can you hear me?” I repeatedly called her name, but she didn't speak or open her eyes.

“Edric, is she going to make it?” Of course, I had military medical training and knew her wounds were not fatal, but I still asked.

“She's lost a lot of blood, but her pulse is strong. Sabina is young and healthy; she will recover. Let’s get her out of here,” Edric said, but my eyes were so focused on the blood and how still she was that it didn't register that he had his hands on my shoulders, coaxing me to move.

“Bourne, she needs medical attention, and we must get out of here. You need to get up and right fucking now!” As I rose, my eyes zeroed in on Lucas, whom Oleg and another armed man guarded. The shock of seeing Sabina hurt sent me into a pure and uncontrolled rage.

“You motherfucker!” I shouted and charged the bastard with all my strength. I was mentally exhausted, but witnessing Sabina injured gave me renewed energy to deliver punishing blows to Lucas's body. Gio pulled me off him, and then he signaled to his men waiting in the corridors to enter and remove Lucas from the room. “What the fuck are you doing?” I shouted and aimed punishing daggers at Gio.

“Saving the woman you love. The most important thing you must do right now is to take care of Sabina,” he said.

Edric and Oleg approached and told me it was time to leave. Sabina was in the back of the armored vehicle we used to storm the compound. I followed the men out and climbed into the back of the truck, holding Sabina's hand, to a private clinic with a team of doctors waiting for our arrival.

She never woke up during the twenty-minute drive. The building didn't look like a hospital but contained everything medically possible to help Sabina. I carried Sabina inside myself and placed her on a waiting gurney, where two doctors pushed her inside a triage room. The female doctor called out orders to the nurses requesting labs and a scan. The male in the room was a trauma surgeon assessing the wound.

“I don't believe she will need surgery since the bullet went right through. First, I'll scan the area to confirm my diagnosis, and then I will suture the wound and get her started on a round of antibiotics.”

“Are you sure the bullet went through?” I asked in a panic, knowing it did, and she was no longer in imminent danger.

“I'm sure, sir, she has an exit wound. Please step outside so we can work,” I didn't want to leave her, but I knew I had to, or I would have gone mad watching my beautiful girl on that table with blood that stained her golden skin.

“Where's Oleg?” I asked as I looked around, realizing it was just the two of us when we arrived with a vehicle full of men.

“He left with the team to handle the clean-up with Gio.”

“And what happened to Lucas? Where is he?”