“Truthfully, I’ve never felt more alive than when I jumped into the water. Yes, I’ll admit it was impulsive and dangerous since I was at risk of succumbing to hypothermia. But, I guess I didn’t care because it felt good just to be able to do it.”

“To be free, right?” I said, questioning her.

“Yes, a freedom that I’ve never been allowed to have nor to feel. My mother was right when she said our home was a prison.This island is paradise to me, even with the frigid water temps. Please tell me that you will never send me back.”

I stopped, not believing what she had just said to me. “Oh, Principessa, do you honestly believe I would ever let you go after we’ve professed our feelings for one another?” she looked unsure, and then I reached for her hand and placed it over my heart. “My heart is like everyone else’s; it’s a muscle in the chest wall of my body. What makes it different is that, for the first time in years, it’s alive, and it wants more. It’s a greedy heart that will not settle for anything less than your love 24/7, every day for the rest of my life.”

“You can’t possibly know how much I want that, but the truth remains we have many obstacles to face and conquer before we can move forward without threats and violence that surely will follow.”

“What do you mean?”

“My father and my brother, for starters. I can’t believe my brother hasn’t figured out where I’ve been all this time. I keep waiting for the drones to appear and then suddenly ambush in the middle of the night.”

“Principessa, you can put those fears to rest because this island of mine is very private and secure. I would know if someone was in reach of breaching the secured parameter. Please, this is the last thing you have to worry about. Yes, I agree we have unfinished business with your family, and it’s not as if I’ve been avoiding the subject. I want to focus on us for a little longer.”

I lifted her chin with my two fingers and said, “I don’t want you to be worried about anything your brother may do. He is inconsequential to me, and his threats even less. I will protect you with everything I have. There is no safer place than here in my arms.”



It was beginning to get cold walking on the beach, and the conversation that started was far from over. “Bourne, can we go back to the house? I want to take a shower and go to bed.”

“Have I said or done something wrong?”

“No, never; I’m just getting cold, and talking about my family is not the easiest subject. We’ve come so far in a short amount of time, and I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders since I told you the truth about my mother’s death. I want this over; I don’t know how I will do it.” He removed his jacket, draped it over my shoulders, and pulled me closer. We kissed under the moonlight with the cool breeze against my skin.

“You don’t have to worry about anything because you have me on your side. It’s not just about you; I’ve been involved with your family since your father killed my sister. But, Sabina, the time has come to finish this, and it may have begun with you, but itwill end with me. If your father is not dead by your brother’s hands, he will be by mine.”

“And, Lucas? Will you kill him too?”

“No, my war is with Marco, but the new information we now have does involve him, too, and he is well within his rights to enact his form of vengeance. For all we know, it’s already happened.”

“Bourne, I need you to do something for me,” I asked him, hoping he would say yes.

“Anything for you, name it,”when he looked into my eyes, it was easy to believe he would.

“I need to speak with my brother. Please call him for me.”

“Okay, I will send a message and arrange a call, but it will not be tonight. We are ten hours ahead, and I can’t just pick up the phone and call without taking measures to secure us and our location.”

“What time is it now?” I asked, with Bourne sighing in frustration.

“It’s half past ten here. Why?”

“Okay, so it’s eight-thirty a.m. in Italy. We can call him now,” I said, feeling Bourne’s arms tighten around my waist.

“And say what exactly?” he shouted, causing me to pull away from him.

“You’re angry,” I stated.

“No, I’m trying to understand why calling your brother is urgent tonight. When I can easily call him tomorrow.”

“It’s important to me, Bourne, because the last time I saw my brother, he believed he would return home to see me waiting for him.”

“How touching, Principessa; it truly pulls at my heartstrings.”

“That’s not fair, you asked.”