“You’re right, I did, but you are so worried about Lucas and his feelings that you seem to have forgotten mine and my lastinteraction with my sister. My sister and your best friend,” he paused, struggling with his emotions. “Marielle was beautiful. Marielle was smart. Marielle was talented, and the list goes on. It was cruel of your bastard of a father to rob my sister of her future. She unknowingly gave up everything so you could have one visit with your mother, something Marielle knows all too well since she grew up without one.”

I gasped and felt the invisible knife pierce my heart. My one weakness was my mother, and Bourne just used it to hurt me.My tears were falling, and I couldn’t stop them.

Bourne didn’t mean to be cruel, but his words hurt me deeply. There’s no denying we have something ugly beneath the beauty we found in each other. I should have known it was too good to be true because nothing lasts in my life. His back was to me, and I wanted to reach out and touch him, but he moved further away after fishing out his cell phone from his pocket.

“Edric, come down and escort Sabina to her room,” With one phone call, I was dismissed without Bourne saying anything further. Instead, he left me waiting for Edric to retrieve me like a package. Before I could cry again, Edric appeared and looked sorry that it was him and not Bourne.

“Come, things will look better in the morning. You need to give Bourne some space right now, and while he’s licking his wounds, you take some time to think about what you want. Bourne is a good man, and over the years, I have seen many multifaceted sides to him, but—”

“Finish what you were going to say,” I said.

“A dangerous man when crossed. He is capable of love, this I believe, and have witnessed since meeting you again, but he will not yield to your father or brother. He has to avenge Marielle and his father in some way. If he doesn’t, I don’t see how you two have a chance at a real future. I know Bourne; he will sacrifice his happiness for yours, and then you will never see him again.I know you don’t want that, so please don’t give up on him or forget these last few days. I promise things will look better in the morning.”

“Okay,” I didn’t need to say anything else because I believed in Bourne. It felt strange being back in this room after I spent the most intimate moments with Bourne in his. I angered and hurt him by talking about my family. All he wanted to do was be with me and forget what awaited us outside our bubble. I removed his coat and mine before noticing what was on the nightstand. It was a phone along with a handwritten note from Bourne.


I’m sorry for leaving you on the beach. You have every right to ask about your family; walking away in anger was unfair to you. This is my way of making it up to you. This phone is secure and untraceable. If you want to call Lucas, you must press one, and you will be connected to him. I will respect whatever decision you make. Number two is for your friends, Lucy and Pierre. Your friends are safe and sound, and I’m sure they would appreciate hearing from you. When I’m ready, I will come back to you.


I sat down on the bed with his note in my hand and stared at the phone he had left. Was this a test? If I make the call to Lucas, will I fail and hurt him even more than I already have? Or should I wait until we are in the same room? And then there are my friends, my goodness; they must be worried about me, but maybe not if Bourne told them I’m safe.

I tossed the phone in the side table drawer and went into the bathroom to shower and get ready for bed. I was choosing to believe Edric that things would look better in the morning and to trust Bourne. To love and believe in Bourne and not allow my confused loyalty to my brother come between what I’ve foundwith him. He may not have said all those things, but I’m smart enough to read between the lines and understand the veiled warning he gave me.

The shower helped, and I quickly fell asleep, but didn’t feel alone. Sometime in the middle of the night, I felt his warm breath on my skin and his arms around my body as he pulled me close into his embrace. I kept my eyes closed and relished knowing he was here and hoped his blue eyes would look into mine when I woke in the morning.



“You are such an asshole! What possessed you to go off on Sabina like that? And when you fucking dig yourself a hole you cannot get out of, you call me to escort her like I’m just a trained pet on your payroll. What the ever-loving fuck!?”

“Are you finished?” I asked Edric as I downed another shot.

“Far from it, but I don’t have time to sit here and watch you get drunk.”

“I don’t intend to get drunk, I just needed a couple of shots to take the edge off, and now that I have, I’m calmer.”

“Good for fucking you, but what about that girl upstairs? She loves you, and you just threw one of many bad memories back into her face. I know your past is just as damaged as hers, but Bourne, look how far you’ve come in the last few days. It’s right here, all you have ever wanted but never believed you could have until you decided to make that girl yours. Marco is a dead manwalking, and he’s got a clock on him, according to Gio, who I’ve been in contact with and receiving updates from.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

“I’m telling you now, and you needed time with your girl before you fucked everything up.”

“Edric, I didn’t fuck anything up, and I will fix it. I swear it on the memory of Marielle and my father.”

“You didn’t have to go as far as that, but I believe you. Now, let’s talk about the business before you go grovel.”

After the verbal beatdown from Edric, I wondered how my Principessa was doing. Did she read my note? Will she be angry with me? I was tired of arguing with Edric, who I couldn’t stay mad at for long. He was right, and there was no way to argue an indisputable fact. I behaved like an ass and deserved any punishment my woman had dished out. However, to order Sabina to the guest room as if she was a guest in my home was heartless. She didn’t deserve that, and I was determined to make things right. Sabina suffered for years under her father’s rule, but no more.

She looked beautiful as she curled into her pillows. I stripped out of my clothes and climbed into bed, pulling her as close as space would allow. She felt warm; her skin was soft and smelled of flowers. I kissed her gently and whispered how much I loved her until I joined her in sleep.

I hated leaving her, but I knew I would miss another opportunity to speak to Lucas if I didn't. So, after kissing her forehead and staring at my beautiful girl, I returned to my room, which would be our room moving forward. There will be no barriers between Sabina and me, especially distance. I quickly showered, dressed, and walked downstairs to meet Edric in my office. He had the monitor already set up and ready to go. “There’s tea and some kind of flaky shit Anna made for you,”

“You have such a way with words, dick!” muttering under my breath as I fixed myself a cup.

“Do you intend to snipe at me for the rest of the day? Or can we focus on business?”