He gripped the arms of my seat, and when I looked into his eyes, I thought I would see anger, but I saw something else—desire. He cupped my face and kissed me hard, taking my mouth and forcing his way inside, leaving me no choice but to submit. The final reminder of our approaching landing brought us back to the present. He said nothing more and returned to his seat.



“Another smooth landing; thank you, Edric,” I said as he walked through the cabin to confer with me before we deplaned. Sabina hadn’t moved from where she was seated, and it was a good thing, too, because all I wanted to do was take her over my knee. She is as defiant as she is submissive, a lethal combination I love and hate about her.

“There have been some developments that we need to discuss at a more appropriate time,” he said, looking over his shoulder and at my Principessa. Yes, it’s what I hope I want her to be, but first, we must navigate through the murky parts of our past to get to the beautiful, clear waters of our future.

“Very well, I’ll let you know where and when, but in the meantime, I have more pressing matters that require my attention.” I turned and faced Sabina and said, “Come, we have much to discuss, and it’s not going to get done with you sitting there and glaring up at me,” She accepted my offered hand andremained silent as I led her down the stairs and right into my waiting car. The drive was short since the airstrip was on my property. When the sprawling view came into sight, I observed Sabina scooting forward in her seat to eye the estate at the top, surrounded by rolling green hills and mountains that met the ocean.

The car had stopped, and I opted not to wait for the driver to open our doors. I could not wait for another second to get Sabina inside my home. Instead, I grabbed her hand and pulled her swiftly until she was on my lap. I took her by surprise; her expression was priceless, with wide eyes and reddened cheeks. The front door opened, and I stepped inside, holding her in my arms.

Anna, my house manager, greeted us both. She was happy to meet Sabina and told her to make herself at home. The house had been prepared for visitors and looked great, thanks to Anna’s meticulous nature. Finally, Anna left, and Sabina asked how long we would stay on the island.

“I guess that depends on you, Principessa, and how well we get along moving forward from our unpleasant encounter on the plane. Now, let’s go upstairs and get better acquainted with our quarters.” Her entire body stiffened in my hold, and I could feel her begin to tremble. “Relax, it’s just to settle in from the long flight,” I placed her down once inside and closed the door behind me. She looked bewildered as she spun around, taking in the gorgeous panoramic view of the island below.

“Do you like what you see? This space is truly the best room in the house.”

“It’s breathtaking, Bourne, a paradise of your very own,” she whispered as she stared out a window, nearly pressing her body against the glass.

“Well, it is paradise and one I’ve happily enjoyed since I purchased it.”

“You own the entire island?”

“You seem surprised? Why is that?” I fired back.

“I don’t mean to sound insensitive, it’s clear to me that you are fond of your home, but it’s not something I’m used to.”

“What might that be?” I asked as I pressed her body into the glass. I felt her tremble again beneath my touch, which I enjoyed and craved more of. “I asked you a question, Principessa, and I would like you to answer it.”

“Your home is light; I never had that. My home is dark, and the walls are blood-covered; I am not referring to the paint. I hate it, and I would burn it to the ground if I had my wish.”

“Hmm, that may be the most honest thing you’ve said so far; I’d like to hear more. However, I’m not so imperceptive to realize you are overwhelmed and need a few minutes alone. So, you may have fifteen minutes to collect yourself, and then you will come and find me for our talk. In the meantime, look around. This room is truly the most important one in my home. Fifteen minutes, do not be late.”

“I don’t have time, so make it quick. Did he reach out?” I asked as I paced my office, waiting for Sabina to arrive.

“Yes, Lucas wants a meeting,”

“No, I’m not ready, and neither is Sabina,” I said with finality.

“Bourne, you may not have a choice here, Lucas is on the warpath, and he’s losing patience fast.”

“You stall him with any delay tactic you have, and let me be clear, I do not care about his need to resolve this matter. Let him take his fury out on Marco because his sister has been through enough, and I will be damned if she’s going through anything more at the hands of her family. Now, tell him to fuck off and wait for my call. Do you understand, Edric?”

“Yes, I will pass along your message,” he said. Already sentient of Sabina’s presence, I felt her before she could say or do anything.

“Has it been fifteen minutes already?” I questioned, looking over to Sabina.

“Try seven. Since the door did not lock, there was no reason to stay behind it and think of why talking to you would be a mistake. I’ve made so many and lost count; why stop now?”

“A captive with a sense of humor, you get more intriguing by the minute.”

“I thought you said I wasn’t your captive,”

“I may have changed my mind, still weighing the choices.”

“That will be all, Edric,” I said as he took his leave, and Sabina walked inside. “Come, let’s take a walk down to the beach,” she reached for my hand, catching me off guard. She looked unsure and stepped back, banging into the table.