“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you not want to hold my hand?”

“No, I want to; I guess you surprised me,”

“Why put off the inevitable? Shall we?”

“We shall,” I smirked, accepted her hand, and then took the lead with Sabina naturally submitting, and what pleased me was that she did not even know it. I led Sabina through the lush greens and botanical flowers that ran up and down the walkway to the beach. Finally, we reached the edge and removed our shoes to let our bare feet sink into the warm sand. The tide was rolling in, which was my favorite time of day. The sounds of the waves crashing against the shore always gave me a sense of peace, something so rare nowadays in my line of work. Maybe it was Sabina. Being in her presence gives me peace, even with the unspoken truth still yet to be revealed between us.

I watched Sabina walk toward the water; she was adorable, dipping her toes into the wet sand. Every time the water came in, she quickly bounced back. I had so much I wanted to say to Sabina, but at the moment, I only wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her until I was out of breath. It’s what she makes me feel every time she spares a glance my way. Or the way shejumps to avoid the water. It has to be cold, but I’m sure it will be refreshing when you get used to it. An idea formed as if the bells sounded off, and I just ran with it. I tossed my jacket and contents before leaping quickly toward Sabina. I scooped her up into my arms, and before I could change my mind, I ran into the sea with the beautiful Principessa kicking and flailing her arms.

“Bourne!” she shouted. I ignored her and crushed my mouth down to hers. Her beautiful body plastered against mine; what more could I ask for?

“You need to cool off, Principessa,” I shouted over the waves crashing into the shore. I splashed her one last time before I swam back and left Sabina quite affronted by my sudden assault.

“You’re an asshole!” she returned as she exited the surf and stomped toward me. Her hair was hanging down her face like a veil, and the material showed off her perfect breasts, hiding nothing from my wandering eyes that I could not tear away. She knew what I was doing and then voiced a few more choice words at me as she again stomped up to the house. I would give her the time to shower and change with me doing the same. But first, I needed to clear my head and figure out exactly what I would say to her. I waited for her to admit remembering me as I remembered her and who she was to my amazing sister.

Does she remember Marielle? Or did she block her out as she did me? We will soon find out. I sent Anna up to her room after two hours, which was enough time for the lovely Sabina to get ready. She would come downstairs to the main dining room and join me for dinner. I waited and waited, tapping my fingers in agitation. I hate when people are late, especially dinner companions, who I expect to be on time. Finally, I was over waiting, and I shoved back from the table, taking the stairs two at a time until I reached her room. I didn’t bother knocking and rushed inside.

“Sabina!” I shouted. I looked around the room, and that’s when I noticed the bed turned down and the sheets missing. I opened the wardrobe cabinet that held the extra pillows and sheets that were also missing. “Fuck! She wouldn’t, would she?” I rushed into the bathroom, and sure enough, the window was open with a makeshift rope of sheets tied to the claw foot of the tub. I peered outside and saw that it nearly reached the bottom, giving some distance between the sheet and the landing. I let out a frustrated growl.Dammit, she would have to jump about four feet until she reached the ground.

“She fucking ran from me!” I shouted, pulled out my phone, and dialed Edric, already knowing what he would say.

“Don’t worry, she didn’t get far,” he said before I could say anything.

I pinched the bridge of my nose to calm my anger and then said, “Where is she?”

“Down by the cabanas,” he said in amusement. I have never behaved this way, so I imagine it was entertaining for Edric.

“Keep eyes on her until I get there,” I said.

I knew there was no way she could ever get off this island without me, but to see that she tried angered me a great deal. I know she must be confused and probably still a little scared, but I thought I clarified that she didn’t have anything to fear from me. I would never hurt her. I’m not the one who wants her dead. I saw her sitting on the chaise lounge, staring at the ocean. Her face flushed from the salty air and red from crying. I could see her eyes from here, filled with sadness. As I approached the chair, I noticed her ankle was swollen and beginning to bruise. I knelt and examined her foot. I was confident it was not broken but certainly sprained.

“Did you land the wrong way?” I asked as she remained silent and bobbed her head up and down. Then, finally, I lifted her into my arms and carried her back to the house.

After I placed Sabina on the bed, I dialed Anna. She picked up immediately, and I instructed her to bring our dinner to Sabina’s room along with ice and the first-aid kit.

I removed my jacket, hung it over the chair, and then turned around and sat on the bed. She wiped her tears and asked, “Are you angry with me?”

“Yes, and sorry you injured yourself trying to run from me. What were you thinking of climbing down the side of my house? You could have seriously injured yourself. You are lucky it was just your ankle.”

“I’m sorry for doing that to you. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’ve been afraid for so long. It’s the only emotion I know; the second is to flee, and the third is to protect.” She reached for a throw pillow and hugged it to her chest.

“Apology accepted,” a knock at the door interrupted our moment. I called out for Anna to come in. She set up the tray and handed me the kit and the ice.

“Will there be anything else, sir?”

“No, we’re fine.” She smiled at Sabina and then lovingly patted her leg. “If you need me, press two on the phone. I am at your disposal for anything you might need. Please, no more climbing out of windows, Tesoro.”

“Grazie,” she whispered, and just hearing the women converse in Italian warmed my heart on another level. Anna was nurturing and probably sensed Sabina needed some comforting words. She said nothing more and closed the door behind her.

“Well, if you haven’t figured it out by now, Anna is Italian and speaks it fluently most of the time, but communication shouldn't be an issue since you speak English as well.” I winked, and then she let me take care of her ankle.

“Okay, you must have landed pretty hard to get this kind of sprain, but at least it’s not broken. I’m going to wrap it, and thenyou are not moving from this bed while you elevate it with ice for at least twenty minutes on and off.”

“Let’s eat, and then we will talk, and I promise you have nothing to fear from me,” I brought the cart over, used the tray Anna included, and placed the dome cover on top of it. “Dinner in bed, feel like wine?”

“Please, red if you have it,”

“I do, and I will join you in a glass,” I kicked off my shoes, got comfortable on the bed with Sabina, lifted my cover, and began cutting into my steak. She began to eat, and in between bites, she sipped the vintage wine I had chosen for the evening. She swirled the liquid in her glass and then brought the glass to her lips, inhaling the robust aromas before taking another sip. It was one of the most erotic sights I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. “I take you like the chosen selection?”