“Secured,” confirmed by Edric.

“And? What the hell does that mean?”

“It means that's all I know, and you know until we talk to Oleg, which will not be until the doctors return and tell us Sabina will be alright. Bourne, you need to get your shit together and focus on Sabina’s well-being because that’s all that matters right now. I will handle the rest, or must I explain my role in our business?”

I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I knew he was right. Edric was a handler of many things, and this situation was one of them. I stood outside of the room and waited for word about my woman. I was going crazy for the next hour until the female doctor stepped out to talk to me.

“Well? Is she awake?”

“No, not yet, but she is stable and breathing independently, which is an excellent sign. Her wound has been sutured and bandaged. We did a full body scan confirming what we suspected about the bullet and the exit wound. It did not hit any internal organs. She was lucky, but there is something we did find.” She paused for a moment and then asked me if I was aware that Sabina was pregnant. I leaned against the wall to keep myself from falling over.

“She's pregnant?” I questioned.

“Yes, about six weeks, give or take a few days, but the pregnancy is fragile with the trauma she has endured. We did a vaginal ultrasound, and so far, all appear stable, but I cautionyou that her condition can change, and she may be at risk of losing the fetus.”

“Baby,” I said, correcting her. “Baby, it's our baby she's carrying, and I have to believe it will make it. Don't you dare take my hope away from me!” Edric was by my side, placing a steady hand on my shoulder.

“I'm sorry, sir, I misspoke. However, the next forty-eight hours will be vital to the baby's survival. We will monitor mother and baby closely until she safely passes that point.”

“Can I see her?” I could barely get the words out, and she opened the door and moved aside so I could sit by her bed. The male doctor had just finished taking her vitals and told me that she should be asleep for a while due to the trauma of being shot and the strong sedative that showed up in her blood work.

“She was drugged?” I questioned him.

“Yes,” he confirmed, and then I asked how it would affect our child. He couldn't say then and told me to hope for the best. He left me alone with her, and once the door closed, I broke down, holding Sabina's hands in mine, kissing them both with my tears falling on top of them.

“Please, Principessa, don't leave me; I won't be able to face tomorrow without you. Please wake up,” I continued, pleading with God to wake her and have our child survive.

“Bourne, hey Bourne, wake up,” I heard the faint sound of a male's voice, but my eyes burned, and my head hurt. “Bourne,” I finally focused on Edric standing over me.

“What is it?” I asked. My hands still held Sabina’s, who hadn’t woken up yet. “What time is it?”

“It’s six a.m.,” I practically shot out of the uncomfortable chair I had been sleeping in since when?” I looked at my watch and realized I’d been asleep for six hours.

“Oh, my God! She’s not awake yet; why hasn’t she opened her eyes? Or make a move of some kind? I would have felt it, Edric; I’ve been here the entire time.”

I felt the walls closing in and was on the precipice of experiencing another panic attack. What the fuck was wrong with me? After everything I’ve been through, it’s a panic attack breaking me. Or is it the fear of losing Sabina? Edric grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me from Sabina’s room. He shoved me into a chair so the female doctor could examine me.

“Mr. Atwater, breathe for me. It would help if you took some calming breaths. You are having a panic attack and need to breathe.” I couldn’t focus on the noise around me as they continued to say my name.

My chest felt tight as I struggled to take in beats of breath. “One more, and exhale,” she instructed. “His blood pressure is back in the normal range, and his pulse is steady, but you are showing signs of dehydration. Mr. Atwater, you need to get some fluids into your body now, or I will place you on a monitor with an IV drip. Your choice, what will it be?”

“You know not too many people speak to me like you are doing right now. You must be brave or stupid, doc,” I rasped out as Edric approached, shooting me daggers.

“Ignore him; you said he was dehydrated, right?”

“I’ll order the bag of fluids,” she grinned at me, and then I apologized for what I said.

“The bags of whatever will not be necessary; I’ll drink some water, thank you.” She handed me a quart of cold water, instructing me to take small sips and breaks in between so I wouldn’t get sick.

“Mr. Atwater, she is stable and still sleeping because her body requires rest. She’s gone through a stressful and painful experience, and on top of all that, she’s pregnant and was a lot more dehydrated than you are now. It all factors into why she isstill asleep. You will not be able to care for her or anyone else until you get yourself in order.”

“Thank you again, and I’m sorry for being an asshole toward you.”

“Apology accepted, now drink,” she pointed to the water.

“You are batting a thousand, Bourne, and look like shit. There’s a shower down the hall where I placed some clean clothes for you. You need to get out of this gear.”

“Are we safe here?”