“Yes, but we don’t want to draw any attention either. Oleg has been in touch, and the package is still secure. Once we can transport Sabina, we will return to the business, or I can handle it myself.”

“Hell no, and let you have all the fun? No way, he’s mine. Please stay with her,” I said as I drank the water and felt better.

“You never have to ask; go and clean up, and I’ll bring some food for you.” There would never be enough words I could say to Edric to show my appreciation for his unwavering support to Sabina and me. She has to recover and be alright. I took the shortest shower of my life and was thankful to get out of the bloodstained clothes Edric would burn later. I returned a short while later and quietly listened to Edric talking to a still sleeping Sabina.

“Okay, Principessa, ugh! That doesn’t sound right for me to say to you. It’s Bourne’s word for you, so I will have to come up with something else.” I watched him fish out his phone and type away as he shook his head while he read. “This will never do. Did you know that your name is Latin and not Italian? What’s that about? You are Italian and should have a name that suits you. Do you like that you were named Sabina? You seem to love Principessa; maybe I could call you Bina or Sabby? What do you think?” None of those work, so we will stick to Sabina, the beautiful Principessa, loved by my best friend.”

“You need to wake up and flash one of those amazing smiles that will make his world right, and for an added bonus, a flirt or two would go a long way right about now. He’s missing you terribly, and what a bastard to be around, especially when he’s grumpy.”

I remained outside in the hallway and silently laughed, knowing everything he said was true. I can go round and round with Edric every day of the week and twice on Sunday, and no matter what happens, I know he will always be there for me and now for Sabina. He is a protector just like me, and I only hope one day he will find a Principessa of his own. I continued to listen but was growing anxious to break up his chat so I could take his place by her bedside.

“Oh, one more thing, and this is important. It would be best to remember that the next time you two fight, Bourne is stubborn but can admit his shortcomings and know when he’s wrong. He needs you, Principessa, more than anything else; you are the only one he sees and needs. Okay, I’m sure he’s around here somewhere, probably jealous that you’re spending all your time with another man. Don’t forget, Principessa; there’s still the matter of a wedding for you two, so please wake up so we can all go home and watch you marry the big grump.” He placed a kiss on her hand and stepped out of her room. He didn’t look surprised when he saw me standing in the hallway.


“You know that I was, or I wouldn’t be the grumpy bastard you described in there.”

“The grumpy bastard she loves, so I laid all the groundwork for you; now you go do your magic and wake up sleeping beauty.”

“I intend to; thanks, man, I’ll take it from here.” I walked inside and claimed the seat Edric had vacated and waited and waited. I wasn’t going to lose hope. I had to believe she would be alright and the baby created from our love would survive, too.

A few hours later, and there was no change in Sabina’s condition, the female doctor entered her room to examine her. I was about to say I was staying, and she said it would be alright. “I don’t even know your name; forgive me again for my shameful manners,” I told her as she jotted down a few notes on the pad she held.

“I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, Mr. Atwater, and it’s alright to express your anger and fear. My name is Ellen, and under different circumstances, I believe you would have exhibited gracious manners. As for your lovely fiancée, she may be just as stubborn as you are, but rest assured that she’s fighting her way back. Sabina’s vitals are strong, her bullet wound shows no signs of infection, and most of all, the pregnancy is still viable. I’d say you’ve been blessed with many miracles here today.”

“Thank you. I want to be alone with Sabina now,” I said. The good doctor left, and once again, I was alone with the only person that mattered. “I know talking, reading, even singing helps bring people back, so I’m hoping that’s true because I don’t intend to stop doing all those things until you tell me to shut up. Did Marielle tell you the story of when she asked me about French kissing? Yeah, that was a fun day in the life of a big brother. So, we were watching a movie, and I believe it was Twilight, ugh! She made me watch it all the time. She fell madly in love with Edward; I mean, who didn’t? And then, out of the blue, she said how she looked forward to experiencing her first kiss. As you can imagine, I shuddered at the thought of my little sister kissing a boy, but I knew this day would eventually come. What I didn’t expect was the question she asked.

“Bourne, what’s it like?”

“What are you asking, Kiddo?”

“Will you stop that? I’m practically a woman, and your nicknames are silly.”

“How could I forget? You are too mature for being only ten. Now, what are you asking?”

“What’s it like to kiss? I mean, using your tongue. Is it gross? What if the other person has bad breath? Or do they drool all over you?”

“I’m telling you, Principessa, I was unprepared for that, but I believe I covered it well.”

“It can be a wonderful experience with someone you care about. However, I cannot predict when you will meet your prince, and as the story goes, I’m sure you will kiss many frogs before then. Will you do me a favor?”

“Yes, you know that I will.”

“Please do not be in a hurry to grow up. You have plenty of time to learn about kissing and boys who will keep their hands to themselves if they know what is good for them.”

“Yes, big brother, I’ll wear a warning sign. Bourne,”

“Yes, my love,”

“Will you miss me when I go away to school? Daddy is still thinking about the Mayfield, and I don’t want to leave you.”

“Well, I’ll miss you terribly, but as you know, I’ll be going away to begin my new assignment, so how about we just tell each other to see you later, and when we meet again, it will be as if we never left.”


“Yes, always and forever. Anything for my precious sister.”

“Thank you for leaving out the little part,”