Page 94 of Hurt for Me

He handed her a highlighter, and they got to work. It was grueling going through so many statements without a clear needle in the haystack, but she eventually found patterns in some of the transactions other than normal charges for gas, meals, and utility bills. They kept at it for two hours, Rae only pausing to say good night to Lily and grab a couple of beers.

Rae stared at her half of the stack. “Okay, so I saw recurring transfers into Thomas’s account from someplace called Uroboros Inc., with regular transfers from his account two to three days after he’d receive the funds.”

Dayton glanced at his own stack. “Same. Now’s the fun part. We need to add up all those funds going in and out.”

“Your idea of fun sucks.”

He reached out and placed his hand on her thigh. “I know. Thank you for doing this.”

“You owe me cunnilingus,” she half joked.

He laughed. “It’s a promise. Whatever you want.”

What she wanted was to pin the bastards and protect Dayton and his family from being harmed. And she wanted Devon and the other missing woman to be found alive, but after Thomas and Cierra, her hope was fading.

They combined their stacks and went through them again, Dayton adding everything up with a growing smile like it was enjoyable for him. Rae always felt insecure about her math skills, one of the reasons why Angel handled their ledgers most of the time. She knew it probably stemmed from her lack of a formal high school education, and she made a vow to herself right then to finally listen to Angel and pursue an associate’s degree in business management.

Dayton looked over the numbers, a big grin on his face. “They’re almost the same amounts. Nearly a quarter million dollars in and out over the last six months.”

“What does it mean, though?”

“My guess? Money laundering. The individual amounts are under what banks are required by law to report.”

Rae fondled her empty beer bottle. “But where was all this money going to?”

“That’s what I’m going to look into tomorrow. But for now ...” He stood up and held out his hand to her, pulling her up from her chair. “I’d like to make good on my promise.” He kissed her deeply, and she melted into his embrace.

She knew he was probably feeling the same high she was experiencing. They were on the cusp of taking the bastards down, and the thrill of it made her restless, needful. She pulled back from Dayton, wondering how far she could push him. He’d been so open before, allowing her to hurt him.

They went downstairs to her bedroom, and she moved to the corner of the room, pointing out one of her favorite pieces of furniture she rarely got to use.

“It looks like a low chaise lounge but curvier and more cushioned, right?” she said.

“Let me guess. It’s for sex?”

“Good guess.”

“The purple velvet gave it away.”

“Come here.”

Dayton cocked his head at her commanding tone as he moved over to her. “Oh, so is this what we’re doing?”

“Only if you consent.” She was already unbuttoning his shirt.

“I do . . .Mistress.”

Rae grinned, excitement whirring electric through her. She went to her closet and came back with a coil of black Shibari rope.

Dayton’s eyes lit up. “You a mind reader?”

“It’s my job.”

She directed him to hold out his wrists after she had him remove his clothes, and when she had him bound, she made him recline back onto the chaise face up. Then she secured his tied hands above him to a hard point at the top of the chair, keeping his legs free on either side.

“Are you comfortable?” she asked him as she lightly ran her fingernails down his chest and over his abs, causing his breath to catch.

“Surprisingly so.”