Page 95 of Hurt for Me


“And . . . a little nervous.”

“We’ll take it slow. Just say ‘red’ if you want me to stop.”

She undressed for him, savoring the sight of him getting aroused. Then she straddled the chair, Dayton’s body underneath her. She kissed his lips, his chest, and along his collarbone, pinching his nipples as she did it, and he held in his reaction. Most people did at first, but that was part of the fun, easing someone into the pain and watching them relax into it before they gave themselves fully to her. After a few minutes of pinching, she felt his muscles loosen, and she knew he was ready for more. She stood up and pulled out a leather crop she had placed beside the chaise. When Dayton saw it in her hand, he tensed.

“I’ll be gentle.”

“I trust you.”

She tapped his inner thighs lightly several times before giving him a stronger strike with the crop, and he finally cried out. She stopped and studied his breathing, waiting for him to relax again before she began tap-tapping ever so gently before popping him harder. She repeated the rhythm several times: tap-tap-tap pop, making the last hit increasingly harder. He was taking more than she expected for his first time, but she didn’t want to push him too much too fast. She decided he deserved some edging as a distraction from the pain she had given him.

She knelt at the foot end of the chaise, running her nails over the tender pink marks she’d made on his thighs before taking him fully into her mouth. She heard him moan as she brought him close toclimax only to stop. She started again, bringing him even closer before stopping again.

She did this several times before he called out, “Fuck—yellow—whatever pause is!”

Rae smiled at him. “Too much?”

Dayton’s breathing was rapid, his eyes glazed with need. “I want to be inside you.”

“You mean you want to come?”

“Yes,” he groaned. “Please.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll let you. Eventually. But ladies first.”

She straddled him and positioned herself directly over his face.

“Bon appétit.”




Placenta previa wasn’t a term Rae had ever heard of before the ER doctor looked over her ultrasound results and explained it to her. He said her case was mild since her placenta was positioned near her cervix and not actually covering the opening where Lily would come out.

“It’s not that uncommon in women under twenty,” the doctor said. “Your placenta is a little over two centimeters away from your cervix right now. Normally, at your late stage in pregnancy, most OBs will go ahead and encourage a C-section to avoid the possibility of increased bleeding. We’ll see what the OB says when they look you over.”

Rae looked over at Ben, who had brought her to the hospital in Yukon. Marilyn fought to be the one to take her, but Katelyn started crying for her mom with all the commotion going on in the house. While Marilyn was distracted with Katelyn, Rae told Ben she wanted him to be the one with her and begged him to leave. So, he had.

The ER doctor left the triage room, and Ben pulled out his phone. “I’m going to step outside and call Mare to update her, but I’ll be back soon.”

Rae knew he was really going outside to smoke, but she wasn’t upset with him for stepping away. She was too nervous to care what he was doing when she was facing the possibility of having Lily early.

A while later, the OB doctor came to her room.

“So, as you know, we do see placenta previa on your ultrasound, but I’m actually more concerned about your labs, which show strong signs of preeclampsia. I’m going to check your feet and hands, okay?” The doctor pulled back the blanket and gently pressed Rae’s feet and then her hands. “See how you have edema—that’s swelling. And your blood pressure is elevated. Have you been having any headaches or changes in your vision lately?”

“Um, yes. Sometimes.” But she had thought it was caused from all the studying for the GED test.

“All right. At this point, I’m confident you can still have a normal vaginal delivery, but we’ll need to induce you before your preeclampsia becomes a more serious issue.”

She went over the process with Rae, how they’d use something called prostaglandins to thin her cervix and then give her a hormone called Pitocin to cause contractions and start labor.

“We’ll be monitoring your baby’s heart rate the entire time. And we’ll have the operating room ready in case we need to get you moved for a C-section,” the doctor said. “Do you have any questions?”