Simon climbed the steps to the third floor of the building, The steps wrapped around a corner to where a set of doors faced a balcony. There were two apartments on this side, and the one with the big, bold letter ‘A’ would be the one that opened up his world of opportunity.

He lifted his hand and knocked firmly on the door then stepped back.

A sudden surge of nerves slipped away the moment the door opened. “Katrina, I wanted to…”

His voice trailed off as he got a good look at the young woman who’d opened the door. Her hazel eyes and wavy brown hair didn’t belong to the woman he loved.

His face flushed and he let out a strangled chuckle. “Sorry, I… does Katrina live here?”

The woman smiled, leaning against the door as she did. “Yes, may I ask who you are?”

He tugged at his collar and glanced away. “I’m a friend from back home.”

“Afriend?” Her teasing smile caused all those nerves to return with a vengeance. “Maybe I’ve heard of you. What’s your name?”

Simon swallowed hard and pushed through his worries. He was here, wasn’t he? There was no turning back. He attempted to look around the woman but then gave up with a sigh.

“My name’s Simon.”

There was a brief recognition in her eyes—something that seemed to confirm what she’d said. Katrina had talked about him.

“Look, I’m not going to be in town for very long and I’d really like to have a word with her. I’d like to spend as much time as I can with her while I’m here.” He shifted to the side to get a better look at the apartment behind this woman in hopes of catching sight of the one he’d come here to see, but failed.

Katrina’s roommate adjusted her stance, too, continuing to block his view. “I’m sorry, but she’s not going to be home for another couple hours.”


She nodded. “Sure. The people at that company have got her wrapped around their finger. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone work so hard to please their boss as Katrina does.”

“Yeah, well, that’s Katrina for you.”

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her eyes trailing up and down his form. “I have to say, you’re nothing like I expected.”

“Oh? Why is that?”

She laughed, the sound a soft tinkling one that probably got a lot of attention from interested men. “Well, you’re not wearing a cowboy hat, for one.” She gestured toward his feet. “But those boots are on point.”

He glanced at his feet, lifting one about half an inch from the ground before replacing it. “Yeah, well, it’s not ideal to fly in a plane with a cowboy hat.”

“No, I don’t suppose it is.”

“And I’m still getting used to them.”

Her smile creeped wider across her face. “Katrina did mention something to that effect.” She tilted her head, resting her cheek against the door itself. “If you’d like, you can stay here until she gets home.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary.” His plan B had been to go hunting for a company that had a business name resembling what he thought Katrina had said.

“Or I can give you the address for her office. I’m sure she could take fifteen minutes to talk to you if it’s that important.”

His eyes cut to meet hers, drilling into her to determine if she were telling the truth. He found no evidence that she had any interest in lying. Shoving his phone in her direction, he pointed to the screen. “That sounds great. I’d like to put it in my maps app so I can go straight there.”

She laughed again, shaking her head as she accepted his device. “It’s not far from here. If you go down to that main cross street about two blocks from here, then you’ll turn left and stay on the sidewalk until you arrive.” She tapped the screen with finality and handed it back. “I’m Becca, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you.” Simon reached up to touch his hat, then recalled the conversation they’d had regarding the lack thereof.

Becca’s smile seemed to be more humorous this time, like she was laughing at him. It didn’t matter. He had the address, and he would likely not see her again for the rest of his life. What did it matter if she was making fun of him?

He gave her one more nod and hurried down the steps toward the parking lot. Based on what Becca had said, Katrina would be working until around five. He had plenty of time just so long as he made it to the right floor and past security.