She was like that annoying little sister who got all the attention and tagged along wherever he went.

When he didn’t immediately investigate the envelope contents, she snatched it from his lap and opened it, then withdrew a thick white piece of paper. “I’d start packing if I were you.”

Simon turned his attention toward her. “What are you talking about?”

She waved the paper and envelope in front of his face, nearly hitting his nose. “Just look.”

He yanked the paper from her hand and peered at it then his brows lifted. “This is an airplane ticket to Salt Lake City.”


Slowly, Simon lifted his eyes to her. “It’s for tomorrow.”


He got to his feet. “This had to cost you a fortune. You can’t just?—”

“You remember that guy I was talking to the other day in town? He has some connections in the travel industry. I can’t say what he did, exactly, but let’s just say it wasn’t as expensive as you might think.” She beamed at him. “So get packed, go to Salt Lake City, and bring her home.”

Simon shoved the ticket into Brianne’s hand. “I can’t.”

“Yes. You can.”

He shook his head. “I can’t. Even if she wanted to see me, she definitely won’t want to come back to Rocky Ridge. She’s always wanted to live in the city, and you know it.”

Brianne took his hand in hers and placed the envelope on it. “You have to try.” Her smile widened slightly. “Besides, she called me the other day and she’s miserable.”

That was all he needed to hear to have his interest officially piqued. “Did she say that?”

She shook her head. “But I could hear it in her voice. I think she just needs an excuse to come home.”

“She’s got one. We all want her to come back.”

“Not good enough. She needs a bigger reason—someone to come home to.” Brianne’s voice softened. “You two were great together, whether I want to admit it or not. So, get on that plane and do something about it before I completely lose it. Because, no offense, you haven’t exactly been the best company around here lately.”

“No offense taken,” he mumbled, staring at the ticket in his hands. He couldn’t believe he was considering this. Would Katrina even want to see him? Or would she think he was being overbearing?

When he glanced up, he found Brianne watching him. The grin she wore made it clear that she already thought she knew what was going to happen.

Simon sighed. “I don’t have anyone who can help me out here?—”

“Got that covered. Daniel said if I could convince you to go, he’d come by and make sure the place ran smoothly in your absence.”

“Then I guess I don’t have any other excuses.”

“No, you don’t.”

* * *

Simon heldup his phone one last time, checking that the address Katrina had given him was the same as the one in front of him. It was three in the afternoon, and he wasn’t sure if she’d be home. He imagined her day ended around this time. She’d told him she went to work before the sun came up.

During the entirety of his flight, he hadn’t been able to sit still. His thoughts were in an uproar, his heart beating at an unhealthy pace. He hadn’t decided what he was going to tell her yet. Did he beg her to come back to the town she hated for him? For her family?

Or did he tell her that he didn’t care where she decided to put down roots; he would be willing to give up everything he had if it meant he could be with her.

The latter seemed like a more likely option. He’d never be one to make demands like that. But he also knew he was capable of fighting for what he truly wanted.

He lifted his chin, determination ripping through him like a heavy storm. This was his only shot and he wasn’t going to squander it. Katrina would know exactly where he stood. He might have told her to chase her dreams—and he didn’t regret it—but he should have done everything he could to keep her, too.