Page 46 of Make You Want Me

She takes the picture of me on my sixteenth birthday from my hand, studying it for a few seconds. “I see admiration… happiness. I remember that was a good day. You were surrounded by everyone you love.”It was a good day. She took this right after we got done eating the huge cake my mom made for me. Then I took Mom, Colton, and Emerson on their first ride in my new car.?

She fakes a pout, pointing to a picture of me and her kissing from last week. “I figured this would be the one making you smile.”?

I smirk at her. She knows how much I love that one too.?

“Look closer. You got the words right, but it wasn’t because of who I was surrounded by, it was because ofyou.” I press my lips to hers. “I wasn’t even looking at the camera… I was looking at the girl behind the lens.”?

“But that was like two years ago…”?

“I didn’t even realize what I felt back then. There was always a craving there. A craving to know what you were thinking, if you were safe, if you were happy. I was just unwilling to decipher the meaning behind it all. And honestly, Sonny, I know you tried to fight it, but I think you felt the same.”?

She looks from me to the picture, and then to all the others on my mirror. “I think that’s pretty evident by these pictures… I’ve never admitted this even to myself, but I’ve always, from the very first night I met you, felt a distinct pull toward you, Lennox.”?

Emerson moves onto her toes, leaning up to kiss me more thoroughly. It feels so real, so right, like it always does when we’re together. The sexual chemistry between us is still there, but this is about the love connecting us. The love we have spent years building and growing, even unbeknownst to us.?

We finally break apart, and I encase her face with my hands. “There is no doubt in my mind, I was made to love you, Sonny.” I kiss the beauty mark right above her lip, constantly needing to have my lips somewhere on her body. “I know you hate living in that house, but I’m thankful it brought you to me.”?

“Me too. Even though it feels like I would have found you one way or another—in this life or the next.”?

My heart swells, and I link our hands, whispering, “I was determined tomake you want me.”?

She brings our interlocked hands up, and opening her palm, she admires her smaller one against mine. “Thank you… If not, I may have missed out on the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”?

* * *

Greyson hoversover me and Ford as we grapple on the mats. Even though his eyes are never far from where Lottie and Emerson are working out across the gym.?

“So, when does Emmy find out if she is going to get accepted to fight on the card with you in November?” Greyson asks while Ford and I take a break for some water.?

“Gunnar said hopefully in the next two weeks. That way, she has a full three months to train.”?

Ford nods. “Good. She’ll get it… She deserves it.”?

I smile with pride as I look over at Emerson in her element. She’s come a long way from knocking bark off that tree, and I’m glad she found the same solace here that I did when we needed it most.?

Minutes later, Greyson’s dad walks into the gym, throwing his hand up at us but heading straight for the girls. Emerson listens intently to whatever he is telling them.?

She lets out an excited gasp, and Lottie bounces on her feet, embracing Emerson. When she slings her arms around Smith in a hug, my feet move of their own accord, needing to know what has my girl so happy.?

Maybe he has news about the fight.I’ve silently been worried about her not being chosen. Not because she doesn’t deserve it, because she absolutely does, but because with anything like this, there are politics involved, and you never know which way the people behind the scenes may go. I just never want Emerson to feel discouraged or like she isn’t good enough.?

“Lennox!” she calls out as I approach. “Smith found a place for me and Lucian to move into.”?

Not the fight, but it’s equally as relieving news. I hate her living somewhere she feels so unwanted. “Hell yes… That’s awesome, Sonny.” I pull her into my side, placing a kiss on her forehead. “Thank you, Rex… Where is it at?”?

Smith Rexwood is up there with Gunnar; in the men I inspire to be like category. Once again, he comes through for people, just because he is that kind of guy.?

“Glad I could help… You know the farmland right past Nana’s house?”?

I nod.?

“One of our club brothers was living in a smaller cabin on the property, and he’s moving out mid-November, so I spoke with the owner about Lucian and Emerson taking over the lease, and they were all for it.”?

“That’s a dope location. It’s beautiful out there.” I smile at Emerson, loving the look on her face. Her happiness about this news is palpable.?

“This is the best news.” Emerson bounces on her toes again, even clapping to herself, and Lottie says, “Plus, being that close to Nana Rexwood means your fridge will always be stocked with something yummy.”?

We all chuckle, because that definitely sounds like Greyson’s nana.?