Page 47 of Make You Want Me

“Okay, y’all behave. I’m going to check on things in the back.”?

“Thank you again, Rex.” Emerson smiles in appreciation.?

“No problem… I’ll get you and Lucian more details once I know everything,” he says before moving over to G, where he pats him on the shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow, my boy…and prospect.” He smirks at Ford. “I need you to see me before you head out. Got something I need you to handle with Casen.”?

Ford looks more serious than I’ve ever seen him. “Yes, sir. I’ll meet you in the back.”?

These days, the gym is the only place I see Ford without his Rebel Knights Prospect cut on. He is proud of the title, and rightfully so.?

“Babe, we probably need to shower and head out soon so we can go to the store for tonight,” Lottie says, running her hand up Greyson’s arm.?

G nods and looks to us. “You guys still planning on coming over to cook out tonight?”?

“Yeah, I just need to see what Rex needs, but I’ll be there either way…just may be late.” Ford adds.?

“Yep, we will be there! Can I bring anything?”?I ask.

“Nope, just your pretty self and your man,” Lottie says, leaning in to kiss Emerson’s cheek before saying her goodbyes and heading to the locker room.?

Emerson looks at me, her smile still in place. “Wanna grapple for a bit? I want to show you this new maneuver I’ve been working on for the arm bar.”?

“Roll around on the floor with you?” I raise my eyebrows suggestively. “Do you even have to ask?”?

She swats at me and takes a step toward the mats, but I pull her back into my chest.?

“I love seeing this smile on your face,” I say, trailing my fingers over the side of her cheek. “I really am happy for you, baby.”?

Her eyes penetrate mine. “I’m so happy… I’ve never felt more content, more safe… more loved.” She whispers the last part.?

“Lennox, I…” Her voice cracks, and I see her throat bob. I know the words she wants to say, words I haven’t said fully because I don’t want to scare her. Words I honestly wonder if anyone has ever said to her before. The thought makes my chest ache.?

I place my finger over her lips. “Sonny, I am so in love with you, the words wouldn’t even do it justice. And I think you feel the same way.”?

Her eyes surprisingly fill with emotion right here in our little corner of the gym. I take her hand in mine. “If you ever want to say it without saying it…” I squeeze her hands three times.?

Squeeze. “I.”?



“Now let’s go get sweaty,” I say, breaking the silence, but she continues staring at me, seemingly in awe.?

Until she brings her closed fist gently to my chest, slowly tappingthree times. “Okay, Champ, let's do this.”?

I can’t contain the smile that takes over my face. One day, when she actually says the words, I know I’ll want to bottle them up and keep them forever.?

We start toward the mats, and in a low voice, Emerson says, “Thank you for always understanding me… No one knows me better than you do.”?

And in that moment, I believed her.



Peeking at my phone for what might be the tenth time, I see no new notifications, so I toss it back on the bed face down. Nox is picking me up for a date, something we haven’t had much time to do, and I'm excited. So excited, in fact, that I’ve been dressed and ready for over thirty minutes.?

I feel the vibration of my phone beside me and jump up with anticipation. When I flip it over, I see a familiar number, but not one I was expecting.?