Page 39 of Mr. Hook-up

“I agree,” Holden said as he took Drake’s résumé from me. “But an MIT graduate? Who works for Faceframe, the biggest social media site in the world, having a massive international interface? Does it get any better than that?”

“Point for Drake,” Grayson said.

I didn’t need a fucking scorekeeper—I needed someone on equal ground. “Julia has a hell of an education. Excellent job history. Longevity at each company with plenty of management experience. She could probably do this international rollout with her eyes closed.”

“Point for Julia,” Grayson said.

“We’ve lost some amazing employees to Faceframe,” Holden continued, reminding us of David and Brennon, our original coders. David we still employed, but Brennon had gone to work for the tech giant when we couldn’t afford to pay him what he wanted. “Therefore, we know what they expect out of their employees and the type of qualificationsthat are required. If Drake has spent his entire professional career there, and it looks like he has, then he’s the right candidate for us.”

Again, I didn’t disagree. I just liked to challenge the single dad once in a while, since he was notorious for trying to keep Grayson and me in line.

“Not to mention”—Holden pointed at Drake’s résumé—“he’s done part-time consulting for LinkedIn along with Amazon.”

I couldn’t deny that was a remarkable employment history.

“He makes our résumés look puny,” Holden added.

“Hey, speak for yourself, asshole,” Grayson said, and then he looked at me. “Keep your gun in its holster, but I’m Team Drake.”

I glanced between my best friends as Holden’s grin spread, knowing he’d won this battle. “All right, I hear you. I like Drake too. But I want you to go into these interviews open-minded. Who knows? Ralph or Julia could be really great for Hooked, and I don’t want to miss out because the two of you are ready to get on your fucking knees and give Drake the best blow job of his life.”




That warm, fuzzy thought vibrated through my body as I walked through my favorite city toward Hooked’s Back Bay high-rise. After all these years, I had finally returned to where I’d grown up. The place where I’d experienced so many of my firsts.

My first educational achievement.



I’d been anxious to come back for many reasons. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy my job at Faceframe or living in Palo Alto.

I actually loved it.

But the desire to return to the East Coast was stronger.

My heart couldn’t continue accepting California when it ached for Massachusetts.

So when I started to put out some feelers, a colleague recommended Rachel, who had earned the title of one of the best recruiters in the tech field. I sent her my résumé, and during one of our many phone chats, she brought up the available position at Hooked. She described the company as having a relaxed environment. Plus it was based in myfavorite section of the city and was run by three best friends, who had graduated with MBAs from Harvard.

It sounded perfect for me.

Despite Rachel saying that formal attire wasn’t necessary for the interview, I still leaned toward professional and dressed in a suit and heels. Fortunately, the walk from my best friend’s apartment wasn’t more than a few blocks, so I hadn’t even broken a sweat from the unseasonably semi-warm spring day.

I had just started finger-curling a long, dangling lock, trying to work through my nerves, when I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it from my pocket, checking the screen before I said to my best friend, “Hey, Saara. I’m, like, twenty steps from where I’m interviewing. What’s up?”

“I just wanted to wish you good luck, babe. Nail it, like I know you will. And show them why you’re beyond fabulous and they’d be morons not to hire you.”

Her voice made my face heat. “I’m on it, girl.”

“Good. Now, love you hard, kick all the ass, and I’ll see you tonight.”
