Page 38 of Mr. Hook-up

We’d figure it out. We always did.

Grayson was pulling at the collar of his polo, like the fabric was strangling him.

I grabbed his shoulder, shaking it. “Don’t worry. We’ll find someone, and Holden and I are here to help you with the department. We’re not going to just throw you to the wolves.”

“Isn’t that nice of you,” he barked back.

I reached for the résumés, taking them from Holden’s hand, and held them where everyone could see them. “Look, we have Ralph, who graduated from Carnegie Mellon and runs the backend system of Lyft.”

“Impressive,” Holden said.

I flipped to the next sheet. “Julia, who graduated from Stanford and does the same kind of work for Godiva.”

“Does Godiva have an app?” Grayson asked.

I thought about his question. “I don’t know. We’ll get that answer before she comes in. I’m assuming it must or Rachel wouldn’t have recommended her. However, she’s certainly qualified. That’s one hell of an achievement list she has.”

Holden eyed Grayson and me. “I just want to remind you gentlemen that whomever we find to be the most qualified candidate for our team, they’re off limits.”

“Huh?” I huffed.

“I’ll spell it out for you,” Grayson said. “Holden doesn’t think we know how to keep our dicks in our pants.”

“Whether they’re man, woman, part horse—I put nothing past you two,” Holden said.

“Dude”—I shook my head—“we’re not fucking animals.”

“Yes, you are,” Holden said. “And I’m not sure which one of you is worse.”

“Why are you even bringing this up?” I asked.

“Why? Because I want to remind you of the drama that went down between our old assistant and one of the coders. Remember when we caught them fucking on your desk”—Holden pointed at Grayson—“and then their nasty breakup a few months later when she sent our whole staff a pic of his dick?”

“Ohhhshit,” Grayson moaned. “I forgot about that. I don’t know how, since it cost the company over a grand to get my fucking office sanitized and disinfected.”

“Exactly,” Holden said, leaning into the edge of his desk, crossing his hands on top of it. “I’m the father to a five-year-old little girl. I want nothing more than to bring Belle into our building and show her how deserving candidates of all sexes are equals in this workspace, where women can have an office as big as her dad’s—or even bigger—and prove to my baby that, one day, she’s going to rule the world. Let’s never forget that, fellas, all right? Let’s use Belle as our inspiration and make sure that what happened with our old assistant and coder doesn’t ever occur again.” He scanned my face, then Grayson’s. “Relationships need to stay outside these office walls. This space”—he circled the air—“is all about business.”

“We don’t do relationships,” I told him, my foot tapping the air, my hands getting slightly sweaty as I thought of Love. “I think you’re forgetting that.”

In fact, the division of the app where Rachel had found her match was created out of necessity, not because Grayson and I had any desire to use it.

After Love, I had no interest in dating, monogamy, or settling down.

Rachel knew that.

Hell, all of Boston knew that.

“Can you read between the lines, perhaps?” Holden challenged. “I’m talking all things—kissing, touching, marrying, whatever. And that goes for everyone in this building, not just the two of you.”

“This motherfucker”—Grayson nodded at Holden—“needs to get laid.”

“Moving on,” I groaned, and showed them the last piece of paper. “Finally, there’s Drake, who”—I grinned when I saw his education—“is one of Boston’s finest, graduated from MIT, and currently works for Faceframe in a senior management role.”

“Sold,” Holden said.

I was, too, based on Drake’s experience, but I wasn’t going to let on. I wanted Holden to take his own advice and weigh the candidates equally.

“I think I’m Team Julia,” I told him. “Her credentials are pretty serious, and Godiva, I believe, is international. I think she could offer a lot to us.”