Page 91 of The Skinny

Tobias blushed, while Drew and Aithan laughed and jostled him. He covered his mouth with his hand and looked everywhere but at her.

“You gonna answer that?” Aithan asked him.

“Oh, hell no!” Tobias said. “My momma’d beat me for talking that way in front of a lady.”

Drew snorted. “Maeve Houston doesn’t suck cock.”

“Ohhh.” Zel got a sexy little smile and said, “Bitch doesn’t know what she’s missing.” She winked and headed back up the stairs, calling, “Some of us take pride in our skills.”

Aithan spat beer and Drew cackled. Tobias gawked after her, slowly shaking his head. “Did it suddenly get hot in here?” He swigged his beer.

“Dunno,” Aithan replied. He pointed at Tobias’s crotch and added, “But I’m pretty sure it just got tight in there.”

The guys laughed and shoved each other more. Drew wasn’t nearly as drunk as Aithan and Tobias, but he was having a helluva good time. He’d never really had buddies like this, friends to hang out with, drink and shoot the shit with. People who didn’t expect something from him or have ulterior motives. Aside from Jules and Emerson, Drew didn’t have friends. Oh, he had a ton of acquaintances, but not people he trusted like this. But Aithan and Zel were family. Tobias? Drew wasn’t sure, but he thought he could call the dude a friend.

Zelda eyed them as she returned with two pillows. “How did you guys get so shit-faced so quickly? I was only upstairs for an hour-and-a-half.”

“We’re efficient,” Drew replied, proud that he’d remembered that word.

“And we have Polska wódka.” Aithan saluted her with his shot glass.

Zel’s eyes widened. “Vodka.Withbeer? Huh. Am I interrupting a circle jerk?”

“No, no!” Drew laughed, while Aithan and Tobias protested. “We’re discussing kinks.”

Aithan got up from the sofa and somehow made a steady trip to the half-bath. “Don’t need a circle.”

Drew said, “Tobias might need his hand, but Aith and I are well accommodated by our kinky girlfriend.”

Zelda shook her head and left the pillows on the sofa with the blankets and sheets. “You think I don’t know what’s going on? Puh-leeze. I’ve never met a cock that didn’t have the softest skin. A guy can have crocodile hide everywhere else, but his palms and his cock? Smooooth as a baby’s butt.” Aithan returned and she slapped his ass as he passed her.

The guys cracked up. Drew keeled over on the rug.

“Oh, shit!” Tobias gasped between laughs. “She’s on to us!”

Zel shook her head. “I hear and see everything, boys. And someone should’ve taught that poor girl Sophia how to swallow a cock.”

Aithan looked sheepish. “Not me, beautiful. I’ve never done that before.” He scooped up Lulu as she head-butted his leg. Cradling her like a baby, he rubbed her belly and let her grab his wrist. She alternated between purring and attacking his thumb.

“So?” Drew said to Zelda.


“So you gonna share your kinks with Tobias, or should Aithan and I tell him?”

She blushed and looked down, tucking her hair behind her ears in that adorable fucking way she did that always charmed the hell outta Drew. “I don’t know what you mean, Mr. Katterman. I’m pure as freshly fallen snow.”

Aithan snorted, then said, “I mean, hmm,” when she gave him the evil eye.

Drew snickered. “Alright, I’ll tell him.” He turned to Tobias. “Besides truly enjoying sucking cock, Zel loves to be bitten — especially on her neck. She also loves to have her feet held.”

Aithan jumped in. “She likes to watch, enjoys giving the orders during sex and being ordered around. She loves getting eaten out by Drew.”

Drew nodded. “And Aithan’s introducing her to anal play, which seems to be progressing quite pleasurably.”

Zel stared at them, open-mouthed. “Okay, then, I guess nothing’s private tonight.”

Drew downed another shot and opened another beer, pleased with their assessment.