Page 90 of The Skinny

“No shit, like a hundred bucks or sumthin’.” Aithan waved his hand wildly, as if to negate Tobias’s words. “That’s not my point. You just lied. You and I banged that chick So-phee-ah?” he said her name like a question, “in your dorm room in, like, my sophomore year.”

Tobias stared at him. “That was you?”

“Yeah, I was there. She was really bad at sucking cock.”

“Oh, yeah. Kept gagging on your big fucking dick.”

“Yeah, I kinda felt bad about that.”

Tobias nodded. “We walked her back to her apartment. And—”

“Fucked her roommate!” Aithan finished for him.

Drew laughed. “Man, you’re kinkier than you think.”

“Oh, crap!” Tobias said, eyes wide. “I forgot about that. Sophia waspissed.”

Aithan snorted. “Especially when we kept dating her roommate.”

“Man, you dated her first,” Tobias protested. “You were way into her.”

Aithan nodded. “True, true. But you’re the one she married.”

“Wait.” Drew pointed from Tobias to Aithan. “Both of you? With his wife?”

“Just that one time back in college the night we met Juju,” Tobias said. “And I was so shit-faced I forgot the other guy was Aith.”

Aithan sobered. “Are you glad or mad?”

Tobias shrugged. “Better you than some dick like Ved Aledi.”

“Cripes.” Aithan pulled a face. “Don’t remind me about Evil Dead. That guy was a wanker.”

Drew started laughing. “Evil Dead? That was a dude’s nickname?”

Tobias nodded. “Complete asshole. It’s an anagram of his name.”

“I’m totally using that in a book.”

“Be my guest.” Aithan poured shots for all of them.

Drew knocked back his drink. “You know, fucking Zel is serious business, Tobias. You must be sober to do that right.”

Aithan nodded, looking simultaneously shit-faced and wise. “Indeed.”

“Seriously?” Tobias expression screwed up. “So, like, you do that kinky shit one hundred percent sober? Like it’s a lifestyle choice?”

Drew leaned forward and gestured for Tobias to do the same. He lowered his voice. “You definitely want to be sober when you’re fucking Zelda Gordon. Especially if she’s going down on your cock. Because nobody gives head like that woman. She’s made it into an art form. And, I swear to fucking God, I praise Jesus every time she sucks me off.”

Aithan nodded, that same wise drunk expression plastered to his face. “Zel is a master. Mistress?”

“Virtuoso,” Drew corrected. “Virtuoso cock sucker. And I mean that as the highest praise.”

“For sure,” Aithan said and toasted her with another shot of vodka.

“Shit,” Tobias muttered. “Most chicks I’ve asked, give it a little tug, a little lick, and decide they’re done. If they’re even willing to do that.” He twisted the cap off another beer and muttered, “Maeve didn’t,” just as Zelda came down the stairs.

“She didn’t do what?” she asked, looking wide-eyed and gorgeous. She dropped a set of sheets and blankets on the sofa and considered the three of them, a soft smile lifting her beautiful bow lips.