Page 74 of The Skinny

Undine called, “Zel? Honey, I need help with this turkey.”

Aithan headed for the kitchen. “We left her asleep, Undine. How can I help?”

“Oh. You know how to prepare a turkey?”

“The whole Thanksgiving meal, if I need to. When I was thirteen, my dad nearly took off his leg while cutting railroad ties for a garden edge on Thanksgiving morning. My family piled into the car to head for the emergency room, and Mama left me with orders to get the turkey and the sweet potatoes in the oven.”

“Goodness. Trial by fire. I take it he recovered?”

“Yup, and the dinner was excellent.”

She laughed. “Well, then you’re just the man I need this morning. Roll up your sleeves and let’s get that bird washed. It’s damned heavy.”

Aithan was holding the turkey under the running water in the sink as Undine cleaned it when Drew came into the kitchen, followed by Hob.

“For Christ’s sake, Undine, let the poor man have some breakfast before you enlist him.”

“It’s okay, Hob.” Aithan lifted the turkey and turned it upside down to drain. “Just another minute.”

Zel’s dad shook his head. “Don’t let that woman take advantage of you. Trust me, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

“Go watchColumbo, you curmudgeon.” Undine threw a dishtowel at her husband.

Drew chuckled, then spied croissants on the counter. He pointed at them. “Breakfast or reserved for later?”

“Breakfast, hon. Help yourself. There’s also bacon that just needs to be reheated in the microwave, and I’m happy to fry up an egg. I’ve got cheddar cheese, sliced tomatoes, and avocado in the fridge, too. Blueberries. Yogurt — coconut and dairy — and orange juice.”

“Now we know where Zel gets it,” Aithan remarked.

“Gets what?” she asked.

“Her need to feed us well,” Drew replied for him.

“Oh, she’s a better cook than I am. I don’t have the patience for it. The Thanksgiving recipe I’m following is hers. I was the cereal and PBJ’s mother until she got sick.” She pointed at the deep pan on the stove and Aithan lifted the turkey into it. Undine sighed. “If only I could go back and start things over for her knowing what we know now.”

Hob shook his head. “When will you stop blaming yourself? Genetics are what they are.”

“I know it’s wishful thinking. No one really knew about inflammation and leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disorders when she was little. I just wanted to look like Jennifer Aniston and get my pre-baby body back so I could wear crop tops.”

Drew laughed.

“I happen to look very good in a crop top, Mr. Katterman,” she said, giving him the stink eye.

“I’m sure you do.” Drew grabbed a croissant and added, “Running away now before I shove my foot in my mouth. Again.”

Aithan shook his head, and Undine laughed. “Wash your hands and eat,” she said. “I appreciate the help.”

“It’s no trouble,” he replied over the running water. “Let me know when it’s ready to go in the oven. That’s a lot of bird to lift.”

“I will.” She gave him a little push. “Warm up the bacon for Drew. I think I scared him off.”

“Him?” Aithan scoffed. “It takes more than a stern look to scare that guy away.”

Undine washed her hands while Aithan reheated the bacon and gathered yogurt, blueberries, and a croissant. Just as he was about to leave the kitchen, she turned from running an onion under the hot water. “Did I step in it with that question about Drew’s family the other day?” She sounded worried.

“No. He doesn’t talk about it, but he doesn’t avoid it either. I take it Zel hasn’t filled in the details?”

“No, and I never thought to ask.”