Page 73 of The Skinny

“God yes.” I ground against him.

Drew grabbed my ass. “Arms around me, babe.” I held onto his shoulders and he stood, lodging me firmly onto his dick. He sat on the couch beside Aithan, gripped my hips, and rammed up into me. I met his thrusts with my own and a litany of whimpers. Aith took advantage of our proximity and fingered my clit. They were relentless until I came again, one hand clawing Drew’s shoulder, the other on Aithan’s thigh.

After I stopped quaking, Aithan stood. “On second thought, I feel inspired.” He gave his cider to Drew then, scooped me into his arms and headed for the stairs. “Taking you to bed, beautiful, but we’re not quite ready for sleep.”

I wrapped my arms around him and sighed. I didn’t even have it in me to protest him lifting my weight. “You’ll be doing all the work. Mr. Katterman ruined me.”

“At your service, Brick.” Drew saluted me with the cider and took a long swig as I smiled at him over Aithan’s shoulder.



Thanksgiving morningin Bellingham was cold and gray. Heavy clouds hung over the bay and obscured the mountains and trees surrounding the college town.

Aithan showered and dressed then, spooned Zelda while Drew took over the bathroom. She didn’t move when he crawled across the bed to snuggle with her. Of course, they’d shagged the hell outta her the previous night. He smiled, remembering the sexy noises she made and the way she’d taken control of Drew and him. Goddamn, what a turn on.

Drew emerged from the bathroom, pulling a sweater over his head. “She’s still out?”

“Completely,” Aithan whispered.

“Think we broke her?”

Aithan chuckled. “Doubt it.” He kissed Zel’s bare shoulder and climbed off the bed. “Let’s get breakfast. If she’s not up by the time we’re done, we can bring it back and wake her.”

Drew gazed down at her with the sappy, so-in-love look he usually wore around Zelda. “Sounds like a plan. She needs the rest.”

Yeah, she did. Zel pushed herself hard on an easy day, and she’d gone even harder in the days before they left. She’d made extra meals to bring along, prepped desserts, cleaned the townhouse, did all their laundry, packed,andcompleted most of that monster novel that had dogged her all month.

Aithan clapped him on the back. “Stop looking at her like you wanna have her baby and let’s go eat.”

Drew grinned. “I’d so have her baby, if I could.” He followed Aithan downstairs.

“Man, you’re so gone.”

“And you’re not?”

Aithan smiled. “Oh, I am. I just hide it better.” He put his shoes on.

Drew snorted. “You lying sack of shit.” He slipped on a pair of sneakers and Aithan followed him out the door and across the driveway to Zel’s parents’ main house.

Greer’s car was gone and Aithan was glad. She was toxic. He nodded toward the empty parking space. “Looks like the other daughter is out of our hair.”

Drew glanced over. “Good goddamn riddance. That woman’s personality is like steel wool wrapped around sandpaper and coated in fiberglass. I’d like to drop-kick her off that fuckin’ cliff.” He jerked his chin to indicate the end of the property and the drop to Bellingham Bay. “Don’t know how Undine produced that monstrosity of self-centeredness.”

“Kinda surprising, right? Hob and Undine are good people, but Greer? Oof, head case.”

“And she’s a marriage and family counselor?” Drew shook his head. “I shudder to think.”

“Right? She’s the reason Zel goes sideways about herself so easily.”

“You speak the truth, brother. Her fucked up relationship with Tristan was just a symptom of a disease Greer gave her.”

They reached the front door and changed the subject as they entered the house. It smelled like bacon and fresh coffee, and Aithan’s stomach rumbled.

“Morning,” Hob said from his office. “You fellas have a good time sightseeing last night?”

Drew paused. “Good morning. We did. Went down to the waterfront and checked out the park and that big glowing acid ball thingy.”