I never get over how blindingly perfect his smile is.
“Come on, we’ve got a long drive ahead of us. I wanna make it back to Philly before it’s dark.”
I groan and lean my head against his chest. I almost forgot. “Four hours by myself in the traitor I call my car?!”
“I’ll pull in right after you. I’ll be counting down the seconds.” He kisses my forehead and ushers us out into the living room and towards the door. “And then I’ll make you come on every single surface your apartment has to offer.”
I push him away with a shake of my head as I survey the cabin. It looks so empty without all of our junk scattered about. The fire isn’t on and the blankets have been put away from on the couch. There’s no food on the counters or books stacked up high.
I owe so much to this place. To my cabin, too. To these woods. To this mountain.
“I can’t wait to take our kids up here some day.”
Turning my head, I lock eyes with the lumberjack who flipped my world upside down. “Better here than Disney World.”
His laugh warms my insides as he takes my hand and leads me out the door. “We’ll probably take them there too. Give ‘em a chance to form their own opinion.”
I scoff under my breath but otherwise stay quiet on our trek to my car.
“I’m gonna tailgate the shit out of you,” Grayson murmurs against my lips before opening my door and helping me in.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
He waits for me to back out of the makeshift driveway before turning his truck on. I can see him bobbing his head to music in my rearview mirror, the cabin perfectly backdropped behind him.
Maybe I will sit down and finally write a book. To try to find the words to describe this feeling.
Maybe I’ll tell the story of a woman who came to hide out in the middle of nowhere, of the abandoned cabin across the way that turned into her favorite place in the entire world, and the grumpy lumberjack who stole her away and changed everything.
A snort escapes me as I make the sharp turn that leads to the rest of my life.
So much for not doing naked things in that cabin.
The End
Grayson is proposing tonight.
I love him to death, but he is about as subtle as an elephant these days. He used to be so sneaky. Quietly loving me and meeting my needs in secret. But now? This man has zero chill. He loves so, so loudly. He has been trying to lure me into marrying him for months, always taunting me, trying to use how badly I want to see the ring he chose against me.
He hasn’t officially proposed, though. And I have a very strong suspicion it’s happening tonight. Especially since he asked me to dress up for dinner in our own kitchen.
That’s why I’ve been up to a little sneaking around myself. And if all goes well, I think he’s going to absolutely lose it. All I’ve been able to think about is the look on his face when he realizes what I’ve done.
“Are you ready, baby?” Grayson pops his head into our bedroom just as I’m putting my last earring in. When I turn to meet his gaze, I start melting. He is positively molten standing there looking at me from the doorway. “You are not wearing that,” he purrs, stalking into the room towards me.
“And why’s that?” I tease, doing a little spin.
His grip on my hips causes little shocks in my stomach, waking up the butterflies.
With his lips pressing up my neck he growls, “Because I’ll never be able to keep my hands off you.”
“Then don’t.” Throwing my hands around his neck, I pull him in so I can kiss the lips of the lumberjack that still takes up my every waking thought. He cannot get enough, deepening the kiss to the point where I know clothing is about to come off.
His groan comes out pained, devastated even. “I have to.” He looks me up and down. “FUCK. I have to. I have to keep my hands to myself. We have things to do tonight. Even if you look so goddamn gorgeous that it might kill me. Fuck, baby, this dress…” Hands start sliding. “DAMNIT. No. No touching, Sol!”