Page 122 of The Cabin

“What did I do?!”

He waves in my direction like it’s obvious. “Uh, look the fuck like that! That’s what you did. It’s cruel. It’s going to be teasing me all night.”

“You poor thing,” I coo, walking out of the bedroom and pausing in the hallway to wait for Grayson. I really ended up loving this apartment. We’ve made a home in this apartment. There is a mixture of both of us in here and it brings me a lot of peace.

“I’m going to miss this apartment when we move,” I frown, pouting my lips.

Grayson comes up behind me and leans his head on my shoulder. “I know, me too. But when we find the perfect house, it’ll all be worth it.”

Mr. Fancy Engineer scored the job of a lifetime in Philly and we’ve been here ever since. It’s time, though. To start looking for a house. We want pets and babies and things that you need a full house and a yard for. And I love the cabin, but it isn’t the right place to live permanently. Plus, it only has one bedroom.

“Oh, wait. Stay here. Don’t move.” Grayson is off in a flash, running around like a chicken with its head cut off. When he comes back, totally out of breath, he hands me a bottle of wine and a package of Cosmic Brownies. My smile is very, very big. “Okay. Take these and bring them as a gift to your super sexy, incredibly hot, amazing host, got it?” I nod. “Alright now go outside and ring the doorbell.”

I am giggling inside my head at how effing cute he is while I head down the long hallway that leads to our front door. Once I slip out, I take a couple breaths. I don’t even have words. I thought ruining the surprise would dampen this moment a little bit, but I feel explosive. I’m ready to burst with joy.

Ding dong.

Grayson opens the door and he takes my freaking breath away. He managed to get into the rest of his forest green suit that hugs every effing inch of him and it is doing really strong things to me. “I brought wine!”

I’m ushered back into the apartment and guided towards our kitchen. He is so nervous he hasn’t said a word and my heart is so full it’s going to burst.

“Grayson,” I whisper, taking in the makeover he gave our kitchen. It looks almost exactly like our car from the Train Stop. Bringing the wine bottle up so I can read the label, I am so ridiculously happy to see what I thought I might. It’smywine. “How did you find this?”

“Same way as last time. Come on.”

He pulls my chair out across from where he always sits and kisses me on the temple before going over to the stove for a minute or two. When he comes back he has two plates filled with steak, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. “Medium rare is okay, yeah?” He winks and I pretty much crumble to pieces.

We decided that the first night we hung out at the cabin is what we consider our first date. There was some heated discussion, and we toyed around with our other options, the diner being one we were really stuck on. It was between that and the Cosmic Brownie night. Even though Grayson realized he loved me at the diner, that first night in the cabin was the start of it all and it ended up being the best choice. And although we’ve recreated the shower scene….many times, it wasn’t quite the same vibe.

“Sounds perfect.”

Dinner is much different than it normally is. Usually we’re laughing, talking, stopping mid-bite to pounce on each other…

But tonight is much quieter. Grayson is so stinking nervous I don’t think he’s taken one bite. Which is pretty much exactly what happened the first time we did this.

I know he’s waiting on me to be done eating so he can do whatever it is he’s about to do that has him so wound up. He is so excited and yet he just waits there patiently because he wants me to be able to eat. What a love.

“Man, I had such a huge lunch I’m already kind of full. Should we pack this up and eat it as a midnight snack?” He’s always been very good at reading me, and I can see the flash of understanding and then the gleam of gratefulness take over his eyes.

“I’d love that. I’ll wrap everything up later.” His face makes me wanna just squeeze it until it pops. Do you know that feeling? “Do you wanna go into the living room?”

“I wanna be wherever you are.” My answering smile has his shoulders relaxing a little. I walk over to him and pull him in by his tie. “Hey,” I say, pressing my lips to his, “I love you.” More tension leaves his body.

“I love youmás.” Grabbing my hand and leading me to the living room, Grayson plops me down on the couch, grabs something from a nearby drawer, and then sits opposite of me, both of us facing towards each other. I’m not sure my smile is ever going to go away tonight.

“Okay. I have a new book scene for us to read.” I think he’s sweating.

I try to make my face as comforting as possible, rubbing my foot against his leg. “Ooh la la. Very exciting.”

He hands me a couple of printed out pages stapled together. “You be the first person, I’ll be the second. Oh, and you also have to be the narrator person.”

“I’ll try my best.”

Big, deep breath. “You start.”

I clear my throat dramatically and read, “Sol and Grayson abandon their uneaten food and head to the couch with their trusty package of Cosmic Brownies.” Said package falls into my lap. “Not the trusty package! Prop guy, you are on fire tonight.” This at least makes the corners of his mouth turn up. “Okay, I think it’s you.”

His voice comes out a little squeaky and he has to swallow a few times. “Blah, blah, blah, Disney World is kind of lame, way overhyped.”