Page 120 of The Cabin

“That’s a pretty long time from now…”

“And I’m going to hate every second of it. But we don’t have a choice.”

I deflate into the mattress. I know. Iknowwe have to go. It’s just making me feel panicky.

My legs swing over the side of the bed and I begrudgingly push myself up, walking towards the barn doors where Grayson waits for me.

“Why can’t we just stay up here forever?” I whine, throwing my hands out and slapping them back down on my thighs. I catch Grayson watching the way it makes my tits bounce.

“I can’t have this conversation with you until you put clothes on.”

Devious. What an opening he’s given me. “Why? Are you feeling distracted…” My fingers trail up his chest and he catches my hand before I can get any higher.

“I’m about to tie you up if you don’t start grabbing your stuff.”

“Are you going to tie me to the bed? Or how about one of the logs outside so you can rail–”

My back slams against the wall, legs wrapping around Grayson’s waist as he kisses me so hard I forget to breathe.

“You are dangerous.” He bites my neck and I gasp, holding on for dear life as he moves us back to the bed and tosses me on to it.

Grayson disappears for a few moments before crawling up my body, his tongue dragging the entire way.

“Hey! Wait a–”

Before I know it, he’s got my shorts up over my hips and has dropped a shirt on my chest.

“Dressed. Now.”

My growl of frustration makes him chuckle all the way out into the hallway.

I can admit defeat (not really).

I pull the shirt on and stretch, making my way out of the bedroom and into the bathroom.

Damn. The difference is glaringly obvious. I have color to my cheeks. My eyes are hopeful, playful, vibrant. My hair is a curly, crazy mess. I know this woman. Ilikethis woman. The woman I find looking back at me in the mirror. She’s changed. She’s different than when I last saw her.

I test out a smile and watch in wonder as it transforms my face. As it sits so perfectly, so naturally on my features. I don’t have the words. I don’t know how to put this summer into words. The growth, the love, the peace. How do I ever express how much it changed me?

I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to go back to my dark, sad apartment. I’m so fucking scared that that old version of me who never smiled is still there waiting for me. I’m scared that this was all some crazy dream and that my perfect little bubble is about to pop. I don’t want any of this to end. Not the loving myself, not the confidence, not the excitement for what’s to come, not the relationship with the most incredible man on this planet.

This is the first time in my life where my future is completely open. At least in my adult life, anyway. This is the first time I can see opportunity after opportunity waiting for me. I thought I had chosen my fate. That I had settled and was going to be stuck with Brian for the rest of my life just so I wouldn’t have to be alone. Then, I thought I was going to rot away in my apartment for the rest of my life. I don’t feel that way anymore. I have choice. I have power. I have true love. For myself and for Grayson. That changes everything. I can’t let things go back to the way they were. I won’t.

“Truck’s all loaded up. I left some stuff up here because I know we’ll be back a lot.” Grayson’s handsome face joins mine in the mirror, arms wrapping around me from behind. “Damn, we look really fucking good together,” he smirks and I roll my eyes, even if I can’t help but laugh.

“You know what? We do.” My smile gets bigger and I watch his eyes go all gooey on me.

“Happiness looks good on you, lollipop.”

“Mmmm, ditto.”

We stay like that for a few moments before I sigh. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Grayson spins me and holds my face in his hands. “It’s not forever. We have to get everything settled at home before the school year starts.”

“We don’t even know where ‘home’ is!” My words come out a little funny because he’s squeezing my cheeks together.

“My home is wherever you are, baby. You know that. Doesn’t matter where. All that matters is that I have you.”