Page 73 of The Cabin

“Oh,shit. Grayson, wait!” Too late. The whole thing erupts and sprays coffee everywhere. All over Grayson, the cabinets, the floor. He stands there stunned. I’m quick to hurry over, trying to find a towel.

“I’m so sorry! I rigged it before I knew we were going to have this big emotional conversation this morning!” He looks at me and stares. He’s going to lose it.

But then, he surprises me and throws his head back in laughter. Big, deep belly laughs. I can’t help it, I start laughing too. It’s ridiculous and so inappropriate, but I do it anyway. Until we both can’t catch a breath.

He reaches over and grabs my wrist, pulling me close again. His thumb finds my bottom lip and gently rubs it back and forth.

“Thank you,” he whispers. “I know that doesn’t even begin to cover it, but –”

“You’re welcome.” I’m wrapped up in his arms, hands rubbing his back, and his head rests on top of mine. I like this. I think I like this too much. I like it more than someone who is just hooking up with someone else should. I’m positive I’m just his rebound. A stepping stone to moving on and heading into the rest of his life. I knew that going in. Based on the status of his life right now. And the fact that I just so happened to be here. There was literally no other option. It’s a forced proximity thing.

And yet, here I am. Catching feelings. Real feelings. Nothing like my silly crush.

Back on the living room floor, I sit in front of the puzzle I had started the other day. The middle chunk is looking good, and I need a few specific purple pieces to keep things going.

Grayson is insisting we finish more of the very short, very lackluster checklist we made. He just left a few seconds ago to change into comfier pants, and I take advantage of that time and move to start organizing the pieces I haven’t placed yet.

In a big sweeping motion, I try to mix them up a bit, give me some new perspective. But they don’t move. Damn, can humidity cause puzzle pieces to stick to the floor? See? This is why we need fancy scientists to fix stuff like this.

I try using my nail to peel the one closest to me up and it doesn’t budge. What the hell? I try another, and another. On the fourth one I can see a clear, hardened substance spilling out from under the piece.


He appears right at that moment, using his gray sweatpants as an assault, meant to temporarily blind me so he can strike.

He grins, folding himself onto the floor in front of me. “You called, lollipop?”

“Why won’t the puzzle pieces move?”

“Have you tried picking them up?

“HaVe yOu tRiEd PiCkInG tHeM uP?” I mock. “Of course I tried picking them up!”

“And that didn’t work?”

“No!” I cry.

His eyes twinkle. “Hmm. This is a mystery.”

“What did you do?”

“Absolutely nothing.”

“I know you did something! Is this about the coffee? How did you even find time to do this that fast?”

“No, it is not about the coffee. I am a very busy man, I can assure you, I did not do this today.”

My eyes narrow, “Today?”


“And what about yesterday?”


“And Tuesday?” His eyes sparkle, his lips trying to hide a smile. “How am I supposed to remember that far back?”