Page 74 of The Cabin

“Why don’t you try real hard for me?”

His answering smirk has me recrossing my legs. “Hmmm…Tuesday. I remember having to deal with a very annoying woman who read dirty things to me and stole my phone. I may also remember needing glue for something. Ummm. Yeah, no. I got nothing. Sorry.”

“You glued three hundred puzzle pieces to your brand-new hardwood floors for a prank?!”

He shrugs. “I plead the fifth.”

“There’s something not quite right in that big ass head up there,” I say, getting up and making sure to hip check him ‘by accident’.

“Rude. Where are you going?”

“I dunno! I guess I’ll just go stare at the wall and maybe blink a few times since you ruined the only other thing I could spend my time doing!”

“I can think of quite a few other things you could do…” He leans back on his hands, looking at me upside down.

“Nice try, buddy. You don’t get rewarded for this kind of behavior!”

He crawls over to me and stops, kneeling at my feet. “What if I beg?”

What a tempting offer. How am I supposed to resist this? “Mmmm. Still a no.” He creeps up my body, and I place a hand on his chest to keep him at arm’s length. “You’re very cute when you’re doing something bad.”

He grasps my hand in both of his, pulling my fingers up to his mouth. Kissing each one separately. “There are a lot of bad things I could do.”

“Mhhm. I’m sure.”

“Have I not proven myself to you? Do you need another example?” One fingertip slips into his mouth. “Because Ithoughtthat was you fucking my face and screaming my name last night. But I guess I could be mistaken…”

“No, it was me. Nothing to write home about, though.”

His eyes narrow and blacken. They become cloudy. “I guess I’ll have to try a little harder then…”

I shrug. “You can try.” He moves to get closer but I keep him away.

“I can really only pencil you in this evening. I have some errands to run this afternoon.”


“Mhhm. Gotta go to the craft store. My roommate owes me a new hobby.”

He kisses his way up the arm that’s holding him back. “And that’s your only availability?” Gulp. He is so damn sexy.


“I’ll take it. Put my name down.”

“What do you think, cross stitch or friendship bracelet making?” I hold up the two separate starter kits.

He gives me a flat look, “You wanna make friendship bracelets all day?”

“Yeah,” I sing, trying to be as enthusiastically obnoxious as possible. “And Iwasgonna make you one but you can kiss that goodbye right with your attitude.”

Grayson saunters over, slowly circling to stand behind me. His breath feathers across my cheek. “Is that we are, lollipop? Friends?” There are hands teasing the hemline of my shirt.

“The best,” I breathe, and I’m rewarded with a deep, sultry chuckle that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“Mm. Thanks for clarifying.” A pause. “And, just out of curiosity, what kind of bracelet would you make for the man who owns your pussy?” His tongue glides across my skin for the briefest of moments.