Page 119 of The Cabin

I’m laughing. “Oh my god.”

“When did you know?” He squeezes me a little in his arms.

I didn’t realize I knew the answer to this. But as soon as he asks, it pops right into my head. “The day I stole your truck and ended up running into Jade.” He growls under his breath and I pat his chest. “Down boy. We sent you that picture and–”

“You looked so fucking hot in that picture. I have it saved but I cropped her out of it.”

“You are…insane. And really, really cute. Okay!Anyway, I locked up almost immediately because all I could think about was you. She knew too, actually. I tried to deny it, but I think deep down, I understood.”

“Fuck. I wanna take you to bed.”

“Mm. One of the many upgrades you get from Boyfriend status.”

“Uh. Two things. One, I already had that upgrade. And two, you may have chosen the Girlfriend status package, but I’m personally promoting up to Fiancé.”

“That is not how that works!”

He shrugs. “I already have the ring. I’ll just wear it on my pinky finger until you’re ready.”

Grayson shimmies out from under me and leaves me standing with my mouth wide open, absolutely gobsmacked.

“Come on, Sol!” he calls. “You still owe your payment for your upgrade. Positions, remember?”

I think that book store lady was right. Learning how to love yourselfisa big process. And ithasbeen really freaking nice being reminded of parts of myself I had left unattended for a while. *Insert old-school winky face*.

Chapter 30

“I don’t wanna gooooo,” I moan into the sheets, burying my face underneath the pillows.

“I know, baby, but we gotta get a move on.”

“Who says? Come back to bed.”

The mattress dips and lips descend on my shoulder. “Be careful what you wish for. If I get back in here, we might never get out.”

I twist so I can meet his mouth with mine in a sleepy, drugging kiss. “That sounds like exactly what I’m looking for.”

His groan gives me goosebumps before he rips his lips away from mine. “God, this fucking mouth of yours.” Fingers grip my jaw and Grayson tries his best to sound like he’s laying down the law. “Enough with your sexy siren call. We have to go!”

“I just read a book about a siren actually…She found a shipwrecked sailor all alone on a beach…”

“Baby! You’re not playing fair.” He says the words, but his lips fall back onto mine and his body melds into me.

This is my favorite place to be. Squished underneath this perfect, warm, protective body, while feeling his perfect, warm, protective lips all over me.

I’m suddenly ice cold as he jumps out of bed and takes a few steps back. “You are my goddamn kryptonite and you know it. Take pity on me. We have to go.”

“And just think…I put the vibrating rose on the charger last night…”

I know I’m torturing him, but his face is so goddamn cute and I am completely addicted to the sounds he makes when he’s making me feel good.

“Sol!Baby. Fuck! Out. Now.”


“Or what?” My grin is mischievous, feline in nature.

His eyes go dark and stormy. “Oh I am spanking the shit out of your ass when we get back.”