Page 77 of Only With You

For a fraction of a second, I feel nervous and gulp the sudden lump in my throat before I nod. “You go first, Dad.”

“Do you really think you can keep my daughter happy in marriage with your ex-wife and daughter in the picture?” he asks. I am not at all surprised that he has posed this question to me. Honestly, I am in awe of how much he worries and loves his daughter, just the way I do.

“Yes.” I nod my head and glance at Alisha’s mom, who is observing me closely. “I know this is not the way you pictured your daughter’s married life to be. I know it’s not easy for Alisha to accept a person who comes with baggage. But trust me when I say this, I will never let my past touch Alisha’s happiness. Yes, Soha will be in the picture as Mili’s mom, but that’s it. She will never come anywhere close to hurting my wife. And Alisha adores Mili as her own daughter; she is natural with her.” I look at her mom and then her dad. “Please don’t hold me for one mistake of my past. I love Alisha with everything in me. My life revolves around her. I promise to always keep her happy and safe.”

He gazes at me for a long moment. At that instant, a thousand thoughts run across my mind. It feels like an eternity as I wait on pins and needles, hoping with all that I have that he considers what I have said with all my honesty.

“You sure do have a way with your words,” Alisha’s dad finally murmurs. His eyes flash with appreciation and admiration which helps some of the apprehension I am holding on to fade away.

“You have my blessings, Son,” Alisha’s mom says with teary eyes, though I continue to lock my eyes on her dad.

He closes his eyes for a few seconds before he locks his gaze on me. “I trust you,” he says, his voice full of emotions. These three words fill me with a sense of honour, and a small smile forms on my face. “I can see it in your eyes how much you love our daughter. I know you have made some horrible mistakes in the past, but I can’t neglect that you make our daughter sparkle with joy and happiness. I also know that there will be hurdles in her way, but she has you to hold her hand each time she stumbles upon any difficulty.”

“Thank you, Dad. It means a lot to me.”

“We should be thanking you for giving the love and respect not only to our daughter but to us as well. You have managed to make all our stress and worry vanish in thin air,” he says.

“I agree with my husband that you are not only the perfect match for our daughter but our family too.” Alisha’s mom gives her vote of confidence.

My throat seems to be all worked up as I look at their loving faces, gulping before I manage to reply, “Thanks.”

“Would you like to have lunch with us?” Alisha’s mom offers.

I look at her and shake my head. “No, I need to go back home. I didn’t tell Alisha I would be coming here. She probably must have cooked lunch and must be waiting for me,” I say, looking at my watch as I get up from the couch.

Alisha’s parents too rise to their feet and take a step in my direction.

“We are lucky to have a son like you.” I smile as Alisha’s mom says that and pats my cheek.

I swallow, nodding my head before bidding them bye and stepping out. Her parents’ emotional words reverberate in my ears as I sit in my car.

When I married Soha, I did it because I thought I did the right thing for my daughter.But now I know what it feels like to be married to a person you truly love. I never realised the essence of true happiness until Alisha came into my life. She completes me in every possible way. I’ve never been so scared of losing something in my entire life. But nothing in my life has ever meant as much to me as Alisha does. She is the one woman who has transformed my imperfections into perfections, just by the touch of her love. She is my special gift and I will always treasure her.

The ringing of my mobile pulls me out of the beautiful thoughts of my wife. My smile widens when I see it’s Alisha calling. Smiling widely, I answer the call.

“Hey, Wifey.”

“Where are you? I thought we were going to have lunch together,” she complains. “I made your favourite chicken curry.”

I smile. I love the way she takes care of me. “I came to your parents’ house, as I wanted to clear the air between your dad and me.”

The line goes mute and I don’t hear her reply. I know she must be shocked, so I give her time to process my words.

“You there?” I ask after a few seconds of silence.

“How did it go?” she asks, sounding tense.

I laugh. “Well, it went better than I anticipated. And your dad didn’t kill me, so I think that’s a good sign.”

“I guess that means Dad is coming around.” She is still sounding tense, and I can’t blame her after all the clashes we have had in the past.

“He is. In fact, he has given me his blessings,” I confess.

That gets her attention and she asks inquisitively. “Wow! Tell me more.”

“I’ll tell you the rest when I get home.”

“Okay,” she replies, but I can tell from her voice that she is agitated. “Drive safely, love you,” she says before hanging up.