“Thank you, Alisha mommy.”
I bend down and take her hands in mine. “You know how much I love having you here at home with us. And I’ll tell you a secret. I don’t feel guilty to go head-to-head with your mommy to keep you here.” I look up at Ranveer, and the smile that spreads across his face, causes me to blush.
“So, are we still having popcorn and watching the movie?” she asks me with the cutest smile.
“Why don’t you get back to your movie while Alisha mommy and I bring your popcorn?” Ranveer suggests, walking up to us.
“Don’t be late this time,” Mili warns us in her best teacherlike tone and then runs into the living room.
After she leaves, I start laughing. “God, I adore her so much.”
“I am aware of that,” Ranveer says with a smile.
Before I can say anything, my phone beeps with Dad’s message. I look up at Ranveer and say, “It’s Dad. He is reminding me about the dinner we have tonight.”
“We will be there on time.” He nods.
I glance at Ranveer and wring my hands. “Dad will give you a hard time.”
Ranveer laughs and shakes his head. “I can handle whatever your dad throws my way. He will have to raise the white flag soon.”
My head tilts and my eyebrows shoot up. “Aren’t you being excessively optimistic?”
Ranveer cups my cheeks and I instantly feel a sense of relief. “I am not going to let go of you, and soon, your dad will see how strong my feelings are for you and how important you are for me.”
My heart fills with peace and joy to hear him say that. I love it that even in our hardest moments together, he can still make me smile. I say a quick prayer that I never get detached from him, no matter what comes our way. All I want is for our togetherness to last till eternity.
Chapter 35
I never imagined I would be the type of guy who would bend over backwards to please someone. People’s opinions about me didn’t ever bother me. Belonging to the Seth clan, I was always under the radar of the media, who used to have a field day, churning out rumours about me at the drop of a hat. However, I never bothered to check out a gossip column or a tabloid that randomly wrote about me. Never paid attention to any of the rumours. It really never mattered if they happened to hold any bitterness or grudges against me. So, making it right was the least of my concerns. But here I am, driving to Alisha’s parents’ house, determined to dispel her father’s doubt about me so that he accepts me ungrudgingly for his daughter. Even though Alisha is back home with me and loves me from the bottom of her heart, I know that for her, her dad’s opinion does matter. And truth be told, it matters to me as well. I want to prove to her dad that I am worth her daughter.
‘God, convincing the old man that I am good enough for his daughter is definitely an uphill battle, but I am determined to win his trust,’I murmur to myself as I clutch the steering wheel and concentrate on the road ahead of me. Regardless of how tough her dad makes it for me, I will not lose hope. Alisha is my wife and will always be, no matter what he thinks. However, that doesn’t change the fact that I want his blessings as well.
When I pull up to her parents’ house, I don’t step out of my car immediately. I continue to sit on the driver’s seat, focusing on my breathing as I try to gently breathe in and out through my nose. Once I feel I am calm, I step out of the car, walk up to the door, and ring the doorbell, waiting patiently. It doesn’t take long for Alisha’s mom to open the door.
For a moment, she stares at me with wide eyes before she finds her voice. “Hi, Son, I didn’t know you were coming! I hope everything is good?” she asks in an apprehensive tone.
I nod and give her an assuring smile. “All good, Mom. I just wanted to have a word with you and Dad. I hope it’s okay I dropped by unannounced. I should have called before coming but knowing that Dad is not my fan, I thought if I had given him a heads up about my visit, then he would have gotten a chance to plot my murder and make it look like an accident.”
She lets out a loud laugh and gives me a hug. “Well, I won’t argue with you on that. My husband sure is no less than a monster. I still wonder how I have managed to tolerate him all these years.” She grins, and steps aside, giving me the way to enter. “Come on in. You are in luck that Alisha’s dad seems to be in a good mood, but I can’t promise for him to be on his best behaviour.”
“I have come prepared.” I grin at her honesty as I follow her into the house and to the living room.
“What would you like to have, Son, coffee or tea?” she asks when I sit down on the couch.
“No, I am good, Mom,” I assure her. “I had a cup of coffee before coming. I needed the caffeine as I had to talk with Dad,” I add, making her chuckle.
“I understand.” Alisha’s mom smiles and sits on the couch opposite me.
“What are you doing here?” Alisha’s dad thunders as he steps into the living room. “I was not expecting to see your face in the morning.” I hide my smile.
“Rishi...” Alisha’s mom says in a warning tone, but he doesn’t pay heed.
“I came hoping to have a word with you,” I tell him.
“Good you came. I too had matters to discuss which I didn’t want to do in front of Alisha,” he says, taking his seat next to Alisha’s mom.