“Ah, yes,” Val said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Perhaps I’d gone a bit overboard, but to see so many fine works of music in one place...I couldn’t resist. It was practically a siren song.” She sighed wistfully. “It was so expensive, even then. My husband at the time wasn’t particularly thrilled with me, but oh, it was worth it. I still listen to those records.”

Walter’s eyebrows threatened to pop out of his head, and Val cleared her throat, somehow turning even pinker. “Ah, my ex-husband wasn’t thrilled about the trip at all. He was…hmm…how do I put this?”

“He was a sour, useless man and an even more pathetic warlock,” Fenris said grumpily, rolling his eyes. “I’m glad you got rid of him.”

I tried to keep my expression neutral as I leaned sideways, shoving my elbow right into Fenris’s ribs, but I could already see the moment was lost.

Val was looking down at her meal now, poking at a few fries. “Ah, yes,” she said, sounding a bit flustered. “You know, I’d better go take inventory of my herbs and ingredients. Morgan will be returning soon, and if I’m not leaving Isla Lobo, I’ll need her to bring some things from our coven.”

I sighed as an awkward, heavy mood fell over the table.

After dinner, I decided to return to the library to look into Lyka’s symptoms. I knew we probably wouldn’t have time to check in on him again before the solar eclipse, but I wanted to be ready after the event. Besides, if I found something groundbreaking, that’d be good.

However, just as I picked a tome and sat down, Fenris entered the library. I glanced up, raising a brow at his stormy expression. “Everything okay?” I asked, aware that the answer was probably not. I just wasn’t sure what the issue was.

“What was that all about?” Fenris demanded, irritation obvious in his voice as he stalked across the library to sit in the armchair next to mine.

I almost smiled. Peeved or otherwise, he still wanted to be near me, and that felt really nice. My wolf thrummed deep inside me, clearly feeling the same way. “Which part?” I replied, laying my hand on the book’s cover.

“The part where you elbowed me,” he groused, giving me an unreadable look. “I think you’re also the only person who’s done that since—” He trailed off.

“Since Lyka?” I asked gently. He nodded, and I sighed. “Because you really put your foot in your mouth there,” I explained. “Abi and I were trying to get Walter and Val to talk, but her ex-husband isn’t exactly a great topic, you know?”

“He’s just an ex,” Fenris grunted.

I snorted. “Fenris, you get your tail in a twist every time I even think about Ben. AndIbroke up withhim. I’m withyou. Imagine how Walter feels.”

He studied me for a moment, brows knitting further together. “What does this have to do with Walter?”

I couldn’t help but laugh as I pressed a hand over my mouth.He really doesn’t get it,I realized. In a way, a mate was black and white to him. It was fate, after all. But humans and witches and probably everyone else had to go through the messy process of figuring out who liked them and if they were liked in return. No wonder dating seemed foreign to him.

“You’re pulling my leg right now, aren’t you?” I teased him, setting the book on the table next to me.

Fenris frowned. “I assure you, I am not.”

I leaned forward, grinning at him. “C’mon, you’ve been around for centuries!”

“And?” I could see his frustration growing, but I just couldn’t stop myself. It was almost cute.

“Gosh, Fenris, did no one explain this to you? When two humans like each other very much, but they don’t want to—eep!”

Fenris moved with lightning speed, growling playfully as he scooped me up out of the chair, then held me bridal-style against his chest.

“Hey!” I scolded, unable to keep the smile off my face. “Don’t be a spoilsport. How often do I know something you don’t?”

“Probably more often than you think,” he replied, his mouth curling up on one side. He leaned down to give me a kiss.

I turned my head a little in his direction, returning his affection with a birdlike peck. It wasn’t often he said something nice, and I wanted to luxuriate in it. “What else?” I asked, beaming at him.

The skin around Fenris’s eyes crinkled a little. “Well, you certainly know more about stars in the scientific sense,” he replied breezily. “In fact, when I went on that tour at the Challenger Learning Center…” He trailed off, but offered me a wicked grin.

I rolled my eyes and squirmed in his grip, trying to get enough leverage to give his ribs a little pinch.

“Come here,” Fenris said after a minute, as if I weren’t already in his arms. I stopped my wriggling, allowing myself to lean into his sturdy chest. “Kiss me,” he said.

I slowly looked up at him, admiring the way the sunbeam cut through the window and played off his features, defining the sharp lines of his jaw. Fenris moved one hand over to touch my face, running the pad of his thumb against my cheek before meeting me halfway. I melted into his touch at once, forgetting everything we were talking about. I didn’t pull away until I was red in the face and out of breath.

Fenris looked quite pleased with himself and was flushed as well. He watched me for a second before rearranging things so I was straddling his lap in the chair instead of being cradled like a blushing bride. He moved just enough that his thigh was pressed between my legs, and I bit my lip, trying not to give him the satisfaction of a groan despite the heat rapidly building in my core.