“I was doing something,” I protested, even though that wasn’t remotely true.

“We have more important things to take care of,” Fenris replied, grinning wickedly.

I laughed and kissed his jawline. “Like what?” I teased, splaying my fingers over his chest. “Were you going to tell me all the things I know better than you?”

“Perhaps,” he replied, sounding just as amused. “If that’s what you’d really like. I could sing a song of your praises, or perhaps I could get you to sing my name if I—”

I heard footsteps seconds before Walter walked through the door frame. “Fenris—oh, my apologies,” he said, clearing his throat as he looked away. “Keziah Palm is calling. Should I inform her that you’ll return her call when you’re free?”

I bit my lip, feeling like I’d spontaneously combust if I met anyone’s eyes. I looked down at once, counting backward from ten to combat my rising embarrassment.

“I’ll call her back later,” Fenris snapped, but I was already starting to untangle myself from his arms.

“You better just take the call,” I mumbled, still not quite ready to look at him. “I’m going to go practice some spells under the moon.”

Fenris growled. I could almost sense his wolf’s aggravation at being interrupted, but mine was as mortified as I was.

“Fine,” he muttered, seeming to sense this. As Walter handed the phone to Fenris, I retreated from the library. Before I could make it down the hall and head upstairs, Walter caught up to me, catching me by the arm.

“Celeste,” he said quietly.

I gave him a small smile. “What’s up?” I said, careful to keep my voice down with Fenris on the phone.

“I do know what you and Abigail were up to at dinner,” he said, his face completely neutral.

I almost swallowed my tongue, but the shock must have been written across my face. Seeing my expression, he gave me a wry smile.

“I’m sorry,” I finally managed to choke out. “I’m sorry, the two of you just…”

“I have adored Val from afar for a very long time,” Walter said before I could stumble on, and I felt a rush of gratitude. “However, as you are aware, she was married when we first met. I’d never put a person in a position where they felt forced to choose, so I kept my feelings to myself.”

“Walter,” I said, my chest suddenly feeling too tight. I turned, taking one of his hands in mine as I squeezed. “That was a long time ago, though. They broke up, and you had nothing to do with that. You’re both free agents now, and you both deserve happiness. If that’s with each other, that’s all the better, isn’t it? No one else’s opinion but yours and hers should matter.”

Walter studied me for a moment, his expression growing warmer as he squeezed my hand in return. “You certainly have changed since we first met, Celeste,” he mused. “In fact, one might even say you’ve blossomed.”

“What?” I blinked, a bit taken aback. “What do you mean?”

Walter smiled. “When we first met, you were quite rigid about what you should and shouldn’t do—to the point of your own detriment. You were engaged to someone solely because it was practical.”

“I…” I paused, thinking through his point. Ihaddated Ben because it was safe, and I’d gotten engaged to him because it was the logical next step as an adult, not because I was crazy about him. I glanced down as I tried not to smile. “You’re right,” I said after a moment, then looked back up at Walter. “I guess a lothaschanged since then. I feel…well, if I’m completely honest, I feel more like myself. Like I’m justbeinginstead of thinking about how Ishouldbe and trying to act that out.”

Walter’s expression grew even warmer, and he gave my hand another squeeze before letting me go. “You know, you’ve also been very good for Fenris. He’s changed very little since I first met him, but he’s been evolving bit by bit since you came into our lives. I’ve watched him isolate himself for decades, even to the point of misery. I’m happy to see him trust someone because he wants to.”

My smile flickered a little as I thought about Fenris’s past. It made sensewhyhe’d become that way, but I didn’t want to betray his trust, either.

“No changing the topic,” I said, waggling a finger at Walter. “We were talking about you. Are you going to pursue Val now? She has no issue having a relationship with someone other than a witch.”

“Hmm.” He sighed and shook his head. “I suppose if we’re staring down the end of the world, I don’t have much time to waste, do I?”

My eyes went wide. “Excuse me?” I squeaked. I could hear myself swallow.

Walter cleared his throat, shaking his head. “I mean, if the Solar Sovereign is back, then I imagine our lives are about to become much more chaotic. I only know what Fenris has shared with me, but I’m positive we’ll have to be on high alert once the eclipse rolls around. We—I—have a lot to lose, but that’s what makes it worthwhile.”


“I should be going back downstairs. Have a good evening, Celeste.”

“Um, thanks. You too,” I muttered.