I glance at Lance. A park is different from a fair, so why the sudden change. “Lance?” I ask.

Lance gives me a carefree smile, rising and dusting his hands. “It’s technically a park, but there’s a fair going on. Eric left out that part. He smiles. “We’re all ready and should be on our way.” He’s in jeans, which gives him a rugged air. He puts on his jacket and lifts Eric. He seems happier than he was yesterday. Hopefully, today will cement this joy in our hearts. I will avoid mentioning anything sad today, I promise myself.

“We should go. I’m curious about the fair,” I say, linking my arm with Lance’s free one. He takes Eric’s in his other arm.

We leave the house, our feet crunching the melting snow as we approach the car. It isn’t snowing at the moment. In fact, it’s a beautiful afternoon with the sky a beautiful, clear blue, different from the gloomy air that had hung over us for days.

Lance drives us to this fair. It’s a long drive. I put on my Christmas playlist to accompany us on the way. We drive for an hour away from the bustling streets of London and leave the clogged city roads. We get to a serene neighborhood with well-preserved older homes that boast a rustic charm. Lance rolls down the windows and announces, “We’re almost there.” As soon as he says it, we turn a corner, and I see a billboard advertising the fair.

The billboard shows that there will be horse races. Eric yells “horses” from the backseat. The air now coming into the car brings the warm heady scent of different fair snacks. Finally, Lance stops amid a throng of other cars. Festive music drifts to us. We step out of the car. I take Eric’s hand while Lance takes mine.

We head to the fair. It’s filled with lavishly painted, decorated caravans among a variety of tents and small buildings. People with different accents from various parts of England walk about, talking and laughing as they move from one tent to another.

There are food stands offering barbecue meats, roasted corn, and peppery roasted meat. Others sell homemade meals. Gents in costumes are hawking trinkets. In a few tents, I see actors performing, either doing a magic trick, dancing or putting on a drama. Although I've been to a fair before, the sheer number of things people are doing dazzles me.

“So, where do we start?” Lance asks. He has his eyes on a building that looks like a fortune telling shop from the glowing lit-up orb in its open window.

“We should start our adventure with a portentous fortune telling,” I say and he chuckles. We head to the shop. Fortunately, the fair has hard earth beneath our feet rather than slippery mud.

At the shop, a middle-aged woman with bright green eyes reads our palms. Without suspense, she tells Lance and me that we’re set for greatness and will have a fortuitous encounter. As for Eric, she says he’ll get what he wants this Christmas. I roll my eyes, knowing that she’s saying this to keep us happy. Lance pays her for the service, and we move on.

He catches me looking back at the woman and whispers so Eric won’t hear. “It’s for the experience and fun of it, baby. Who knows, let’s be on the lookout for an encounter.” He holds my hand, grinning. His smile moves me.

“Okay, I’ll get over my doubts right away.” I shake my head and smile. “See? Done. Now, let’s have some fun.”

We moved around the fair, tasting different foods from corn dogs and mead to banana bread and a bowl of steaming chicken broth. We savor a variety of cookies and Chai tea, which sweeten our taste buds. It’s more fun than I’ve had in a while. I feed Lance a croissant, and he gives me a spoon of ice cream. Eric joins in, giving his dad a bite of his donut. He smiles, creating a dimple in his soft cheek.

Lance comes closer to me, brushing a strand of stray hair away from my face. He touches the side of my lips and leans down. I stare into his dreamy eyes, wondering what he wants to do. His face is inches from mine. I hold my breath waiting for the kiss. My eyelids drop, almost closing my eyes. I feel his warm tongue lick the side of my lips.

My eyes flash open. He gives me a mischievous grin. “There was a crumb on your mouth I just had to get,” he mocks, taking a step back. He sees my dissatisfaction and laughs. Eric’s giggles surround us. In the end, Lance kisses me properly, drawing me to him.

We move on to different attractions, watching jugglers and magicians wow us with their tricks. At a few of the performances we attend, the actors actually call us on stage to join them. Lance and I act as a married couple with Eric playing our newborn about to be blessed by a guy with long hair, portraying Jesus. We play these roles naturally. I almost get swept up by the excitement when Lance kisses me on stage to the cheer of the audience. He doesn’t play by the rules and brings more excitement to the scene.

With our heads filled with mead and music, feeling warm and full, we stand at the other end of the fair, watching the striking sunset. The sun sets with a beautiful outpouring of pink, red, and orange, a tinge of purple coloring the sky. The colors bleed into each other dreamily. I feel light and gay with Lance’s arm around me. I wish to be up in the sky with him.

At that moment, behind the trees, a giant hot air balloon float up. “Dad, Dad, can we go up on one?” Eric shouts, pointing at the balloon now high in the sky.

“I’ve prepared one for us.” When Lance removes his arm around me, I feel less warm. He lifts Eric and with his eyes, he pulls me along as he makes his way to the trees. Passing them, we get to a large open space, where several hot air balloons are getting ready to launch.

Lance talks to one of the operators, and we head to the largest balloon. We get in and prepare for the launch. I hadn’t been on a ride like this before, and my heart thunders in my chest. Whether in fear or excitement, I can’t tell.

The pilot greets us with a hearty smile, assuring us of a safe and memorable journey. Even though he says it, what comforts me is Lance’s presence. He stands behind my back, his arms around me. I turn in his embrace.

“Dad, we’re taking off.” Eric says, pointing at a man taking the rope anchor away from our balloon.

We join him at the railing. A sound makes us turn suddenly. Eric clutches his father’s hand, his small face lit with wonder as the flames roar to life, filling the balloon with hot air. It drives the chill from the snow and wraps us in warmth.

With a gentle tug, we lift off the ground, the bustling noises of the fair fading into a serene silence as we ascend. We look out to the gradually receding landscape. Looking into Lance’s eyes, for a moment it’s as if they reflect the breathtaking view of the winter landscape below. The snow-covered trees look like delicate lacework, and I see a frozen lake that shimmer under the last rays of the setting sun.

As we ascend higher, the cold winter air nips at our cheeks, but the warmth of the moment keeps us snug. From high up, we see the fair like a beacon of light. Eric points excitedly at a group of people prancing through the snow, their movements like deer dancing in the quiet of winter.

The balloon floats effortlessly, carried by the wind’s whims. We get to a point in the sky and stop rising. The smaller hot air balloons float upward though but don’t reach our height; for a moment, time seems to stand still. We hold each other’s hands, taking in the amazing view. The snow, the trees, the tiny houses and birds flying past us. Lance and I look at each other simultaneously, our gazes conveying a thousand words.

He's suddenly quite close to me. It’s like we are the only ones up here. He smiles as his fingers graze my cheek. “I’ve been thinking about how to tell you this for ages. Probably being high up with you has untethered me from the earth so I can say this to you. You are now a part of my world, Chasmin,” I say and my breath catches.

The love and need in his eyes holds me entranced. He ponders his words. I love you. It’s the easiest thing I have ever said. It’s true and I can’t keep it hidden any more. I love you with all my heart, and I can’t keep the feeling inside. Will you stay by my side, Charmin?” he asks softly.

I am elated and breathing fast. He has given voice to my own feelings, the ones I couldn’t name before. I wrap my arms around his neck and offer, “Lance, yes…I will be by your side. You make my world a better place, and I love you more than words can express.”