Igor chuckles. “That’s good. Scarlett is going to make sure that you eat all the courses she offers.” He pulls me to the dining room, beckoning us with its inviting scent. I drop my worries, focusing on the moment and the beautiful memory I’m about to make.
Back home, later that night, Chasmin is in bed, sleeping peacefully. Thirsty, I leave the room, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water. After drinking, as I make my way back to my room, I hear a faint stumbling sound from Eric’s room. It is close to mine for easy access. Eric ought to be asleep at this time of the night. Why is he up?
I change my trajectory and walk to his room. “Eric?” I call out softly. He doesn’t reply, and my voice echoes in the hallway. I open the door. It doesn’t give a sound. I peer in before stepping into the room. It’s dark, but my eyes are accustomed to it, and I notice a huddled shape by the bed. I guess it’s Eric. “Eric?” I call out. A small cry escapes the boy’s lips. He’s crying.
Worried, I turn on the soft lights. I see clearly he’s by the bed, hugging his knees to his chest. His face is pressed into his knees, muffling his sobs. I move over to him, sitting on the ground beside him. “What's the matter, son?” I touch his hair, and he looks up with a tear- stained face and red eyes. He bites his lips to keep from crying. “Come here.” I pull him over, and he wraps his thin arms around me, squeezing with all his strength. “It’s okay. I’m here.” His thin body shivers and he clings tighter.
He cries into my chest, his tears dampening my shirt. I hold him, cooing reassuring words. His small body shakes in my arm before stopping. His sobs stop, but he doesn’t disengage from me. His breathing is so slow that I think he’s sleeping. He moves his head, then looks up at me with bright eyes. I wipe away the few remaining tears at the corners of his eyes.
I feel my heart breaking. A few thoughts stand out in my mind about what might have brought him to tears. Has he been crying without us knowing? “Are you going to tell me why you’re crying? Daddy can help solve the problem,” I said, hoping so.
He shakes his head, averting his eyes. “It’s nothing. I was going to the bathroom and fell out of bed.” I narrow my eyes, sensing that he’s lying. With the light on, I notice his sleeping companion, a large teddy bear by the curtain as if it had been thrown away. “Did you do that?” I point at the teddy.
He looks at me, considering an answer, then replies, “I threw it.”
“Why? And don’t lie to me, boy. I’m your father, so learn to tell me what’s going on with you,” I admonish him. Although my tone is hard, my voice is soft and loving. I still have my arms around him.
He stares at me with the same eyes I imagine I had at his age. “I can’t sleep. I’m having nightmares about her.” He’s referring to Claudette. He never calls her mom or by her name, like he's afraid that saying it will manifest her.
Sighing, I lift him up and stand. I place him down on the bed and sit by his side. “How long has this been going on?”
He raises two fingers, indicating two days. “It scares me so much, Dad. I don’t want to cry, but it just comes. I’m sorry.” His head hangs sadly.
“Look at me,” I demand, and he does. “I’m not mad at you for crying. I want you to tell me whatever makes you scared…and don’t lie,” I add.
He bites his lip petulantly. “But I didn’t lie. I fell from the bed. I hit my knee on the ground, and it hurts.” He brings my hand to his knee as if I can feel the pain.
I roll up his pajamas, checking his knee. It doesn’t look bruised, but I blow air on it. “Better?” I ask.
He smiles, nodding. “Thanks, Dad.”
“I know you’re scared. I’ve been scared before too. What makes you strong is facing your fears. She won’t get to you. Your nightmares are not real; trust me, son. You’re in your home and not leaving because of her.” He considers me for a moment then nods. “Will you go back to bed now?” Glancing at his bed, he shakes his head furiously.
“He could stay with us for the night?” Chasmin's voice startles us. She steps into the room, the soft light illuminating her nightgown. “Sorry. Eric, would you like that?”
“Yes,” he chirps. “Dad…”
“Of course.” I stand from my crouch, holding him to my chest. “I wasn’t aware that you were here,” I say to Chasmin as we leave Eric’s room.
“I woke up to a cold bed and heard voices. So, I came to look for you. I’m glad I did; if not I wouldn’t have walked into this tender moment.”
We get to our room and Eric sleeps between us. He holds Chasmin’s hand and mine. He closes his eyes with a smile on his lips. “Can we go to the park, Dad?”
“We can,” I answer.
He kisses my cheek, which surprises me. “Thank you and goodnight.” He yawns and begins to doze immediately. Chasmin smiles at me with tenderness as she closes her eyes. Seeing both of them sleeping peacefully by my side makes me think that my future is close by. I can almost grasp it. Almost. If only so many doubts and challenges weren’t circling me like wolves to a lamb.
Chapter 29
Weneedareleasefrom all the pressure we’ve been under recently. Eric’s suggestion that we go to a park is a welcome one. For a moment, it seems that nothing will change, and the chill from the snow is creeping into our home. However, seeing Lance and Eric together last night gives me hope. If anyone is out there watching, they have to make this work.
My eyes peer at me from the mirror, seeming to ask, what about what you want? I want him, and I think I have him. At least, that’s what I choose to believe. Thinking otherwise makes me feel sad. Not dwelling on my thoughts, I zip up my black woolen shirt then don my puffy jacket. My hair is in a ponytail, which I cover with a thick scarf. I leave to find Lance putting on Eric’s shoes in the living room.
Recent events have brought them together faster than ever. “Hey, baby,” I say, touching Eric’s warm cheek.
He blows out his cheeks, blinking his eyes cutely. “Good morning. Daddy was just telling me that we’re going to a fair.”