Page 38 of His Queen

"I don't need your forgiveness. I already have your body." He smiles at me and it's so fucking sickening I want to puke. I own you Rose and the faster you come to terms with it, the better off you will be. You are mine to use. No other man will touch you without my consent. If they do, I will kill them. You will be my wife and you will learn to love me."

"I will never love you. Not in a million years. I will die first."

He turns off the water and shakes his head. "You are so much stronger than I realized. You really are going to be fun. I can't wait for the wedding night. I have many surprises in store for you. So much delicious pleasure to give you. You will be begging for my cock by the time we leave our honeymoon. You are going to beg me to fuck you."

I stare at him as I try not to show the fear I feel on my face. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me up onto my feet. He steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around my body. The feeling of him touching me makes me want to vomit. My skin crawls as if it can escape him.

"You are so beautiful with all of my marks on you. You will be perfect tonight. I have so much pleasure in store up for you."

The look on his face causes a sliver of fear to slide up my spine.

He walks into my bedroom, opens my closet doors, and takes out a black dress. I look at it and wonder if I even have the strength to wear it. He takes out a pair of underwear and a pair of shoes. He walks over to me and helps me dry off my hair.

"Put these on." He says as he holds up the clothes. "People will be here soon to get you ready."

I shake my head. "I won't wear the clothes you pick out for me," I whisper.

He slaps me so hard that I get thrown to the floor.

"Put those fucking clothes on now!" He yells as he points at the clothes.

I get to my feet and look at him. "I won't wear your clothes. I will never love you. You can force yourself on me, but I will never love you. You can hurt me as much as you want. I will never love you. I hate you. You are an evil monster."

He punches me in the stomach. I collapse onto the floor and curl up into a ball.

"You fucking whore. You fucking cunt." He kicks me again. "I have been far too nice to you. See how you are? I try to be nice to you and look at what you made me do. You gave me no choice but to hurt you." He grabs my hair and pulls my face to meet his. "You will get dressed and then you will sit here like a good little whore and let them get you ready for our wedding. If you don't? I will restrain you and it will happen regardless, so you can go along with it and take the easy road or choose the hard way. We both know how much I enjoy the hard way."

He pulls me to my feet and licks my face.

"But I have to say I like this part of you the most. The one that tries to fight back. I find it so fucking sexy." He says as he runs his hand down my neck to my breasts. "You are such a feisty little thing. You are perfect for me. I will have you begging me to fuck you by the time we leave our honeymoon."

He drops me to the ground and leaves the room. I lie there and cry. I can hardly breathe. My body feels like it is burning from the inside out.

I try to get up and fall to the floor. I look around and wonder if this is what it all comes down to. If I am just going to lie here and die. I know I will never willingly submit to him. I force myself to get up and get dressed, but not in what he gave me to wear. I refuse. They may force me to marry him, but he can’t scare me into obeying him. At least I will have somehow earned the beatings by defying him. I know he will hit me for anything he can, so it doesn’t matter what I do. He will always find a reason to abuse me.

I grab a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and slip them on. At least I will be comfortable. I sit and wait for the people to enter and start their jobs. I won't make their day hard. I can imagine they also don't have much of a choice either. I try to calm myself when the door opens. I see a woman step into the room and she smiles at me.

"Rose, my name is Sofia. I am here to get you ready for the wedding."

I stare at her.

"Can you move to the chair? Please." She says as she points at a chair in front of a vanity. "I'm sorry I can't tell you much about what is happening today, but it is for your own safety. I will not harm you."

I stare at her for a few seconds. She has no damned idea. She can't meet my gaze. She looks down at the floor. I know she is just here to do my hair and makeup, but I can't help but feel pissed off.

"Rose, please sit. I have a time limit on how long I can be in here with you."

When I look at her again, I can see she is shaking. I frown. Is she scared? Why would she be scared? Why is she here? Is she being forced into this? I stand up and limp towards her. She looks at me and I can see the tears in her eyes. I reach out and touch her hand.

"I’m sorry I can’t help you." I look at her in the mirror as I take my seat at the vanity. "I’m not supposed to talk to you."

I nod at her. This isn't her fault, I know that.

"He will kill me if we talk." She whispers. "I don't want to die."

I stare at her for a second and nod “I’m sorry.”

She gives me a sad smile. "I'm the one who is sorry." She frowns at my busted lip and the bruises all over me. "I have to do your hair and makeup. I will try to make it pretty. But I might not be able to cover … everything."