Page 39 of His Queen

“That’s fine. I would rather show the abuse to everyone who is ignoring this.”

I just sit and look down at my lap as she gets started. I have no choice and neither does she. We can only sit here in silence while she works. I see the sadness and worry in her eyes. The fear. She is terrified. I wish there was something I could say or do to make her feel better.

She brushes my hair out. I don't even feel it. I am just staring down at my lap.

I'm angry with Vlad. I hate him for giving up on me so easily. Why hasn’t he come for me? I know this anger is irrational, but I also know he is the only one with the power to help me. I need him so much. I try not to cry out when she touches my face as she does my makeup to cover up the bruises.

Sofia looks up at me for a second, then back down at the mirror.

"Rose, I can tell you don't love him. I know he treats you horribly. He is abusive. I can see the evidence." She stops talking as she realizes what she is saying.

I look at her in the mirror and see tears in her eyes. She wants to help me. I don't know if anyone will ever understand the situation I am in, but I can see that she is trying. She is risking her life just speaking to me.

"I don't love him. But there are no choices for me. Don't risk yourself for me. He will kill you if you do. It's safer if we just let it be. Thank you though. You're a very brave woman."

She gives me a sad smile.

"My sister was murdered by her husband. He beat her to death. My sister never fought back. She just tried to do what he wanted. She was afraid to fight back. She thought it would make things worse if she did, but it was too late by the time she realized that it didn’t matter. I have a daughter…"

I feel the tears sting my eyes. I want to hold her and tell her I understand, but I don't dare. I can't give anything away to Salvatore.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your sister. Please don't risk yourself and your daughter. He is a monster. You can't save me. If you try, he will kill you and god knows what he will do to your daughter."

She looks up at me and smiles sadly. "I know, but it doesn't stop me from wanting to help you. I wish I could."

I want to tell her to run. I want to tell her she needs to get out of here, but I know if I do, he will kill her, and I don't want that. She is only trying to be a decent human being. I nod at her and look down at my lap. She continues to get me ready.

I sit there quietly as she works.

Chapter 25


I am standing outside of the doors in my wedding gown. Lena is by my side. I'm trembling. Not from nerves. No, this is fear. His promise of the surprise he has for me during the honeymoon has me feeling the familiar steady trickle of fear racing down my spine. The door opens and Lena takes my hand and squeezes it. She has been with me for the past hour and a half. She helped me get into my dress. We have talked, and I have told her about the abuse and she told me about what my father has done to her. It’s all disgusting.

We embraced each other, spending time in each other’s arms. Despite apologizing for my harsh treatment, I can’t shake off this overwhelming guilt. I can’t help but feel like an awful person for the way I treated her. It pains me to think that I have caused her such anguish, especially now that I am about to marry Salvatore, leaving her alone with my father. The fear for both of us is consuming me. However, I have noticed that Aldo always seems to be nearby. I can’t determine whether he’s keeping an eye on me or Lena.

I squeeze her hand back and nod. It’s time and all I want to do is run.

"You are so beautiful," Lena whispers. "I know this isn't what either of us dreamed about. But I am always here for you." She hugs me.

"Thank you," I whisper back.

I am wearing a long white gown with a high neckline and long sleeves. Almost everything is covered up. If someone gets close enough they will see my busted lip, but I know no one will say anything. It's the mafia, after all, and they all know what happens to traitors. I have no idea what I look like, but I feel beautiful in the gown. I am scared to walk down the aisle because I know that it's coming. I will be forced to do whatever it is that Salvatore wants.

I will not go down without a fight, but I will try to avoid that as much as I can. The glint of evilness in his eyes whenever he mentions "my surprise" is what really scares me because I didn't miss the sentence where he said no one touches me without his consent. What the fuck could he have planned? I’m worried about what will happen when we get to the honeymoon.

"You can do this, Rose. I know you can," Lena says.

I nod at her and step forward.

The music starts and Lena hands me the bouquet. My father steps up to me and I put my hand through the crook of his arm without looking at him. Neither of us says anything or even bothers looking at each other as he walks me down the aisle to my inevitable death. I'm staring at the floor in front of me, trying not to cry when my skin prickles with awareness and I know he is here. I raise my head and meet his eyes, not even trying to find him in the crowd. I just know where he is. Beside him is Demetrius and another man I don't know. Vlad. I don't break eye contact. I stare into his eyes and feel a small smile tug at my lips. I know he can see the sadness in my eyes. The fear and the pain.

I sense his anger and hatred, and it’s clear he’s struggling to keep it in check. I know he wants to be with me, but something is holding him back. Amidst it all, a flicker of happiness creeps into my heart. He genuinely cares and has come here to support me in any way he can. I can see it in his eyes, the determination not to give up on me. Yet, I also catch a glimpse of guilt, shame, anger, and pain. I understand his emotions because I’m certain he sees the same turmoil in my own eyes.

His love and concern are evident, and a part of me yearns to run into his arms, but I must stay strong. I have to let things unfold as they may. I want him to know that I won’t give up, that I’ll fight for him, for us, for my freedom. I just hope he shares the same sentiment. Our last night together spoke volumes, leaving me with no doubt. However, a chilling shiver runs down my spine as I glance at Salvatore, who watches me with calculating eyes.

Damn, he knows...